In the dark with breast cancer surgery and reconstruction

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I have ER8 PRO HER2 3+ I was diagnosed last November after finding a lump in September 23.

I met my breast cancer surgeon today to discuss surgery and plan going forward.

This is the first time I have spoken to any professional since the brief meetings during chemotherapy which to be honest have been a waste of time. The Oncologist did not seem to be able to answer any of my questions, didn't seem to be able to offer any support and basically just box ticked to say she'd seen me. This left me in complete darkness as to what was going to happen next and how all the pieces of the cancer puzzle fitted together.

As I mentioned in another post, the Breast cancer nurse was non existent and as we were all on different regimes, I did not see the same ladies having cancer treatment twice to ask any questions. 

The Surgeon told me today that a central wide excision (lumpectomy) followed by Radiotherapy was the decided course of action at the MDT. My nipple would more than likely be removed as the tumour runs under it. (I had suspected this but it was still a shock to hear it being said.)

The upshot is that my breast would be cut across the middle and I would have no nipple. 

When I asked about the tattoos given at radiotherapy time, (that had been bugging me) and whether there was some other means of marking to show the zappers where to zap, I was told a flat no - that the permanent marks had to be done for radiotherapy to happen.

Blue dye would be injected before surgery so that she could see where to operate. Is that not the point of the titanium marker being inserted at biopsy time, can anyone help here?  

I asked about reconstruction after the lumpectomy. She said there would be none and that the hole left from tumour removal would be filled by the body over time. The skin that was cut to get the tumour out, would be pulled together and stitched. 

Due to removal of the tumour - now 17mm with a 5 mm safe margin to be taken, the breast would be a cup size less than my other non-affected breast.

The removed nipple would not be reconstructed but I could have a tattoo done by a medical tattooist at some point in the future if I wanted.

I had been led to believe at the start of this process, that anything removed would be reconstructed - now I find that is not the case.

So now if I go ahead, I will have my left breast with a central scar and no nipple and  my right breast markedly bigger. There will be no symmetry.

She said that if I wanted reconstruction and for both breasts to look similar-  she would have to refer me to one of 2 other surgeons. Both are  male (due to personal trauma I do not want to have male medics touching me) and this referral would cause a delay.

I am hugely disappointed. I don't know what to do,  I had my last chemo over 7 weeks ago so I have been waiting some time for this next step. She wants to meet me again next week to see what I have decided so no dates have been booked.

I feel I am going out of my head with worry. Having been told that this female surgeon at another hospital would be great for treating me, I am now no further forward and the cancer is still in my body. All I have had so far has been chemo (December 23 until May 24) and a few sessions of Phesgo. I have a pulling sensation in my affected breast but she has said this is not due to the tumour.

Any ideas/thoughts from anyone? 

Has anyone else been in the same situation?

  • Hi Blueskythinking

    Sorry to hear that you are going through this, It's a total minefield.

    I had a lumpectomy just over 3 years ago and now have a breast 2 cup sizes smaller and also deformed, I'm on a waiting list for reconstruction but no one can tell me when this will be, it's now starting to affect my mental health. 

    It seems  because I am no cancer free the staff at the breast clinic don't want to know now.

    Hope you eventually get the answers you need and good luck with the rest of your treatment 

    Carolyn x

  • Hi blue sky thinking I was diagnosed with er8 pr8 h2neg I had my op 16 days ago I had a 17mm on the left and a 6mm on the right near the nipple I had the surgery for both breasts via the nipple route and have no scars I do have a Smurf left breast that was injected on the morning of the surgery the surgery itself was 6 hours later I had the markers put in 6 days prior to the surgery all I can say is losing a nipple was a option for the surgeon prior to the op if needed I thought it was a small price to pay for getting rid of cancer as the option for 3D tattoo in the future is always there I would ask if the nipple is definitely going to be removed and the tumour is just beneath why it’s not possible to excise it through the nipple if you have private I would at least get a second opinion as to the surgical options I know you don’t want more delay but I doubt if it would be it could even be faster as records can be sent across on the same day I’m sure you will make the right decision for you big hugs on your journey you got this it always feels worst then it is xx

  • Thanks Carolyn.

    I am very sorry to hear about the very long wait for you to have reconstruction. I wish I could wave a magic wand to make it all happen for you.

    I have become quite bolshy in manner now which is the cancer speaking as I was very quiet and like a wallflower before when talking about myself and my health.

    I had a very bad day yesterday.  

    I was given a date of 6th August for the anaesthetic assessment by letter the other day. This threw me as I had not been given a surgery date at that point. I told the appointment lady that it was totally unacceptable as that would have made it 3 months since end of chemo.

    She moved the date to something earlier. 

    As someone else said, be your own advocate - which is really hard when we are feeling vulnerable, I think I have cried more about the delays and responses than I have about the cancer.

    Good luck to you and big hugs. I hope good news on reconstruction comes soon xx 

  • Thank you. Its good to hear of someone else's experience of the nipple situation as I could not find anything else about lumpectomy involving nipple removal et al. I will ask the surgeon about possible keeping the nipple but I don't hold out much hope.

    Good luck to you  - I hope things go the way you want them to. xx

  • Thank you  - you've put my mind at rest regarding the nipple situation and the dye.

    It's a definite about the radiotherapy and the tattoos - no option with that hospital so I will see what can be offered by another hospital. 

    Good luck you too. xx

  • I'm so sorry to hear about what you are going through. Is it possible to ask to speak to one of the breast plastic surgeons regarding creating some symmetry for a better visual outcome? You may need to be referred to another hospital for this. I had my nipple removed and although a bit of a shock at first, I had nipple recon and tattooing done which has been fairly effective.XXxxx

  • when I awoke from the surgery the first thing I looked for was any scars because he said I may have a high scar above a v neck line it turned out the cut around both nipples and excised through there then moved the tissues around to fill in the gaps I lost all the lymph nodes on the left he decided to do this prior to the op as the were quite swollen the semetal node on the right was clear  I have many lumps and bumps which I ignore because they are fluid bags and swelling from the trauma which could take several months to settle wear a compression bra or tight sports top for post op as you may be surprised how much you boobs move even walking around there is a chance of lost of feeling in the nipple but being in week 3 post op I’m getting itchy so can’t tell at this point I was willing to lose the nipple and have the scar as it’s far better then having BC my outcome maybe because I was a 36DD and had enough tissue to have my breasts reduced everyone is different but no matter what we all want the end result of being a survivor the rest can be sorted at a later date stay positive scars can be improved nipples can be reconstructed as well as symmetry you are worth so much more concentrate on getting well x hugs