Taking Letrozole

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I had a mastectomy two years ago and have been on Letrozole  for over a year. Since then I have developed severe pain in my knees and stiffness in my joints. I am 84 and and was very active before I began taking Letrozole . I suppose at my age I would expect to have aches and pains but this is affecting my way of life. I have to use a stick to walk and I am in constant fear that I will fall and become incapacitated. I do attend yoga classes at the MacMillan centre and try to keep fit and positive . I just wondered if anyone has been through the same experience. 

  • I am so glad that I’m not the only one feeling like this, I thought I was going mad ! I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago, surgery, chemo, radiotherapy and now letrozole for over a year and it’s killing me. I tried a break and didn’t make much difference so decided to stick with it( better the devil you know), I’ve also been diagnosed now with fibromyalgia so with that on top some days I can hardly move, so stiff and painful. I’m on multiple drugs, duloxetine, mirtazapine and tramadol, being the main ones and still not helping that much. 
       I’ve seen lots of different doctors and consultants of one type and another who all like to say lose weight and exercise but much easier said than done when you feel like this all the time. Sorry I can’t offer any helpful advice but I hope you now realise that you’re not alone and we’re all here if needed xx

  • Thank you for your reply. What a shame you have fibromyalgia on top of everything. I had Polymyalgia rheumatica more than ten years ago and it was really painful. I just woke up one day with it on holiday in France. It was a nightmare. I am still taking medication for it now but pretty stable and no pains. Today I went to my appointment for pain management and was given a bombshell  message. I had been for a MRI scan in early May  which I thought was for the pains in my back and elsewhere and was told to let the oncologist know after two weeks that I had had the scan.which I did .  I heard nothing and sort of put it out of my mind.  I looked in my nhs records and there was nothing there. At today’s appointment  the doctor read through my notes and said that they ‘suspected ‘ that the cancer had spread to my spine !! I was shocked as I had had a nuclear medicine scan which came back clear. It is very new to me and I am feeling upset so sorry if I am going on . I am cross that they had not let me know  and  I had to hear from the pain management doctor. I am totally sick of cancer. My daughter is just having tests for blood cancer and my husband died of cancer 18 months ago   Again sorry if I am burdening you with this.   Hugs Coral xx


  • That’s what this site is for, so that you can vent and let off steam to other like minded people, so please don’t apologise. I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this, other people’s problems always seem so much worse than your own, I really hope that you get some good news soon , I’ll be thinking of you xx