Advice about any experiences of Seroma post-op mastectomy please?

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Hi,  I had a mastectomy and node clearance in the armpit today, done as day surgery 7 days ago.

I had 2 drains which were removed 2 days ago by district nurses.  I was still losing between 100ml - 200ml per drain each day but was told they must come put on day 5 regardless. 

I've had minimal seepage since drain removal.  It's been spotting at most.   Last night I noticed that I've got fluid retention building up around the breast that was removed amd also in the armpit and side of torso.  It looks like I've got a cleavage because of the swelling.  I'm not due my clinic check up until around 2 weeks post-op.

I have read that Seroma is normal and can be absorbed back into the body?   I'm just very aware I'm lacking lymph nodes to filter the fluids.  Is there a certain level of swelling that's normal or a certain level/signs to get worried about?

I'd phone my Macmillan nurse but she never answers or responds.  The district nurses have finished visiting now but they told me they didn't know.