NHS or private?

  • 15 replies
  • 264 subscribers


I'm currently in the NHS system and received my diagnosis on 31 May. I was then sent for an MRI following which I am now awaiting an appointment for a biopsy on a lymph node that was bigger than normal. Haven't received a date through for that appointment yet but have been told it 'might' be 20 June. Presume results will take another week to come back and consultant is saying once she has all the test information back surgery is likely to be another 4 weeks after that (end July time).

I have private healthcare through my employer and am now wondering if I should jump the NHS ship and go privately. Has any one else changed over half way through the diagnosis period? How did you find it? Did you have to have all the tests done again or does the private consultant request results from NHS? I'd love to hear your thoughts if you have been in a similar situation.

Thank you.

  • My experience too . I was told I could pick the dates and times for my radiotherapy . And knowing that I coujd speak to doctors anytime . 

  • Hi Sanguine

    So pleased to hear you are getting a great level of care.

    Hooe you are doing OK.

  • Update

    Thank you all for your responses.

    I had a private consultation on Wednesday evening. My consultant had access to all my NHS scans and had reviewed them prior to my appointment.

    I had an ultrasound on my lymph nodes then and there which didn't cause her any concern.

    I'm now booked in for my surgery this coming Tuesday. The consultant extended her operating time to fit me in as she knew the waiting was adding to my anxiety.

    I feel much better now that things are speeding along and it feels good to be getting it sorted.

    Best wishes to you all.


  • That’s good news . The cancer waiting times in some areas are horrendous. Good luck with your op . It will be fine x

  • Thanks Sievehead. Next chemo is Tues then only two more to go so I’ll be over halfway through then yay!

    Glad your private consultation has worked out well & you’re in a better place. 

    All the best

    Sanguine x