Second surgery after lumpectomy

  • 11 replies
  • 265 subscribers


I had a lumpectomy on the 9th of May. I saw the surgeon on Tuesday who said I need another surgery to remove pre cancer cells which are still present. This is very disappointing as it put my radiotherapy back by eight weeks and I was hoping to return to work in June but it now looks like it will be August. I know I shouldn't complain as there are lots of people a lot worse off than me . I'm just a bit worried because the same surgeon that I had an appointment with on Tuesday past has made another appointment for me this coming Tuesday and I don't know what it is for! Has anyone else had this experience? Thank you !

  • Hi Skw welcome to the forum.. Im reading your post and Im confused as well, so little wonder you feel as you do. Maybe the best thing to do would be to give them a call and see what this appointment is about before attending?  It may be that this appointment is what would have happened had the xtra surgery not been  needed and is still in their system if that makes sense?  


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  • Hi 

    Thank you ! Maybe I should just give them a call as its worrying me a bit ! There's so many different numbers for different people you never know which one to call ! Thank you for the advice it has put my mind at ease a little x 

  • Hi SKW, like Granny59 says, give them a call to find out more. Sometimes they have to do a second surgery if the margins aren’t clear, ie if after the remove the tumour and the allowance margin around it if that contains cancerous cells then they will call you back for another surgery to take further tissue to get clear margins. However I would imagine if it were for surgery you would have been given this info already as you would need to fast etc. Hopefully giving them a call Monday will clear this up for you. 
    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Hi Skw

    I had a lumpectomy 2/2 & margins weren’t clear so I had a second op 19/2 with the result of that being clear margins. Unfortunately my invasive lobular cancer was found in 3 of my lymph nodes so I had an auxiliary lymph node clearance & am currently having chemo before the radiotherapy. 

    Hope your second op shows clear margins. 


  • Hi 

    Sorry to hear that you've had to go through all of this ! Sounds awful ! I wish you well in your recovery ! Thank you x 

  • Thank you ! I will try and phone them on Monday x 

  • Thanks Skw

    Fingers crossed you’ll have radiotherapy as soon as you can & can be back working again before you know it. I’ve even been able to work some of 3rd week after each chemo. A bit of normality!! X

  • Oh thank you ! I hope so ! You've done really well being able to work through chemo ! I actually felt like I could work as didn't have too bad side effects but I work with young children from age 2-5 and didn't want to catch any bugs from them ! Wish you well in your recovery!x 

  • Sensible, you can’t trust little ones where germs are concerned!! I work in an office & from home so much easier. 
    Thanks again & let’s hope we’ll both have ‘normals’ back again. I’m going to need another op after radiotherapy as I had an infection after 1st op which caused lots of swelling & the stitches that were holding reconstruction together fell apart Rolling eyes should get sorted early next year fingers crossed. 

    Well get there in the end! All the best again x

  • Yes I think I don't know what normal is anymore ! I bet you don't either after all you've been through! I'm sorry to hear you need another op ! I hope it all goes well ! It must be such a stressful and frustrating time for you ! Good luck with it all!x