How to treat curl hair after hair loss through chemotherapy

  • 5 replies
  • 271 subscribers

My hair has grown back curly since chemotherapy. I hate it, and really struggling with how to control it. I have my old hair on top and new hair growing under neath. It’s awful my hair feels alike cJoywing gum Disappointed

  • My sister has really curly hair , non chemo related . Mine is curly/wavy. , have you tried curly hair products  ?  Look up Curly Girl Method . It involves products that don’t contain certain ingrediBlushts . There are also hairdressers that specialise in cutting curly hair , once it’s ready Blush

  • I finished chemo in March and now have a full head of hair - I went from always having wavy hair to now having the tightest curls - on good days I like it, on not so good days I feel like an older lady coming out of a salon having asked for a tight perm! At the moment it's still (almost)manageable, I'm just not sure what to do with it from now until it has grown long enough to weigh it down a bit. I use quiet a lot of product just to tame it and I've stopped washing it as much because I know curly hair is drier. I just condition in between days I shampoo. It's so hard getting used to new hair (I'm 46) and it's also more grey than it was before. I really want to grow it again but it feels like it will take ages, especially as curly and all the length is bundled up in the curls! 

    I use a styling wax (basically coconut oils) and some more full on hair gum for the sides, I also use Frizze Ease for curls spray on the back near neck as that was always frizzy. I am next exploring afro hair products becasue I think that may have the answer.

    I do think a good curly hair trained hairdresser may be able to help us both so definitely worth exploring. I find all the youtube 'how to's for curly hair are always on long curls and my problem is the craziness of short curly hair!

  • Hi all 

    I had curly curly hair after chemo but then gradually after about 18 months went back to how it was before. So there is hope condition well and all should be fine xx

  • I did wonder that, if it will go back to normal! Thanks Pray I’ll just trun and enjoy the curls while I have them! 

  • Hi, 

    I was the same as you - when my hair grew back after chemo it was really fine hair in little curls whereas my normal hair was thick and straight. It is perfectly normal - initially I just looked like a punk with frizzy hair at the back but I couldn’t seem to curb the frizziness with any products so I just let my hair do it’s thing. I was just so happy to have some hair on my head I didn’t care. Now I am a year post chemo and the frizziness took a long time to grow out - I have  it cut regularly which goes against my gut feeling but every time I  have a trim there is less and less frizziness and more of my normal hair. My normal hair grew underneath my frizz and is now very thick at the back of my head. It appears to have become a bit darker too. I never thought it would take this long to get back to my normal hair but patience is a virtue you become familiar with when you have cancer. I still have a bit of frizz at the front but over the last few days my parting has returned which is a good sign. I am hoping that after my next cut in October the rest of my frizz will be cut out and then I can grow some length. My hairdresser recommended a cube of jelly a day as it contains biotin - cheaper than tablets - also eating well will promote good hair growth. I know it is really frustrating but eventually your normal hair will all come back. You just have to put up with the interim stages.

    All the best

