Early cancer cells in calcification if the breast

  • 31 replies
  • 271 subscribers

Hi I have just been diagnosed with early cancer cells in two areas of my right breast after calcification was found and really don’t know how to feel. 
Has anyone here gone through the same thing?

  • Hi

    Yes , I have recently had this too and have high grade DCIS.  I had a lumpectomy and radiotherapy 3 yrs ago in the same breast so I'm having a masectomy end of June as can't have radiotherapy twice in the same breast.  I'm relived it's not cancerous and they've found it early due to the yearly mammograms , but still not easy to go through .

    What treatment have they offered you ? 

  • I have seen the doctor yet to discuss treatment. I have an appointment next Thursday but my mind is racing
    How are you feeling about your operation?

  • Sorry should say I’ve not seen the doctor 

  • Hi I have been in a very similar situation to yourself. I didn’t know how I felt at the beginning either. I actually didn’t join the forum until after my operation, so you are a step ahead of me. I was told I had calcification and some of the cells were precancerous. But was told it was fully treatable because it was caught so early. So I have always felt very grateful and just took it a step at a time. Have you got a treatment plan yet? 
    Sending you best wishes

    take care


  • Hi Jen

    No treatment plan yet as I don’t have my hospital appointment with the doctor until next Thursday. 
    I think it is very sensible to take it one step at a time but I just need to tell my brain that

    How are you feeling now after your operation 

    take care 


  • The waiting is the worse bit !! I'm up and down about it , but I just keep thinking thank goodness they found it and at least removing the breast should  prevent it returning (there is a very small chance it can but very slim )I have lots of support which is much needed.  There's so much to take in but they will advise you of your best options and the nurses are great for talking it through and support , it's whatever is right for you and I wish you all the best   x please keep us posted 

  • Thank you for your insight it does help. 
    I hope all goes well for you and it’s great that they found it early. 
    I’ll keep you posted if you will let me know how you get on. 
    Send all positive energy 

    Take care

    T x

  • Yes will keep you posted and thanks for the positive energy , it def helps you get through ! X 

  • The waiting is the worst. I was happier when I had my treatment plan and I knew what was happening. My mastectomy and reconstruction was in January, which seems like ages ago now. I was looking at it as new year, new boob and a tummy tuck. If you click on my name it’ll bring up my profile. I am planning on going back to work in the middle of July. I didn’t expect to be of 6 months but I kept getting reminded I have had major surgery. If you’ve got any questions in future please feel free to ask. I hope your appointment goes well x 

  • Hi Jen

    i just read your story and it’s really amazing. It has given me so much more hope and I hope I am as brave as you. 
    Enjoy your new boob and I hope you now go from strength to strength. 
    Thank you so much I actually don’t feel so alone now. 
    Send you positive energy and take care of yourself 

    T x