Radiotherapy long term side effect concerns

  • 4 replies
  • 269 subscribers

I am now 4 weeks post chemotherapy and have signed paperwork for radiotherapy.  However I am concerned about the long term side effects and how you live with them, fix them? Anyone out there with help or advice?

  • Hi  

    I'm guessing that you've been given a list of possible long term side effects, but don't forget that you might not get any.

    I had 10 sessions of radiotherapy and it's now over a year since finishing and I haven't experiences any side effects.

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  • I also had radiotherapy with no side effects

  • None of us will react the same way with radiotherapy, im one who has reacted badly, and have long term side effects of it. You will come through it, you are a fighter just like us. And will triumph over any bad side effects long or short term.

  • Hello SammyJW,  I can understand your concern about side effects of radiotherapy.  They need to list and explain all the known side effects so you can give an informed consent.  Some people do have side effects and they can range from mild to serious.  I remember reading all the side effects but then signed up to get radiation as it was an important part of my cancer treatment.  I am 2 years post radiation and no side effects as of yet.  An important thing I did was to do breast massage for over a year after my radiation.  I got the ok to do it from radiation oncologist 3,weeks after my radiation treatments ended.  I have sent you the link to see how it is done.  Keeps my little breasts nice and soft feeling without fibrosis. I don’t know for sure if that was what helped or if I just was lucky enough not to get it.  I monitor myself to make sure I recognize any signs and symptoms that need to be addressed.  You would need to get ok from Dr before starting massage. 
    here is the link for massage

    Take care of yourself and remember that we are a strong family here snd when we need to be uplifted someone will be there for us.

    Hugs to you
