New lump been referred

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  • 267 subscribers

Hi, I am 34 nearly 35. I found a lump around a month ago but was difficult to find and to me felt small (don’t know if I was feeling the edges it’s deep in the lower quadrants) I expected the gp to y she couldn’t find anything and send me on my way. However she immediately found a 3cm lump and I was shocked and just cried I wasn’t expecting this. I have been referred to the breast clinic. Doesnyone have a similar story? Now I’ve calmed down I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about but still worried

  • You can always contact the breast clinic again and ask for a scan and explain the lump is bigger. It’s sounds like nothing to worry about which is great but if in doubt ask for a scan. It’ll reassure you especially if you’d worry about it. 

  • I would 100% ask for a mammogram and ultrasound. Insist in fact. Whilst they have a good idea by feeling it, that is also not trustworthy. You may well have lumpy breasts but you’ve a definitive lump and it should be checked properly. I’d go back to the gp or clinic and continue pursuing it until you’re satisfied they’ve checked you out thoroughly. I had my symptoms dismissed with my first breast cancer because I was younger and had just had a child, they were wrong so. It probably is nothing but they, and you, need to be sure. Good luck x