New diagnosis Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 2

  • 5 replies
  • 270 subscribers

Hi all,

 I was diagnosed yesterday with Invasive ductal carcinoma, no special type, grade 2. I was ER+, PR+, Her2+.
My tumor is .4 cm and lymph nodes are clear (so it appears).

I’m meeting with my doctor on Monday but I was just wondering if anyone else has my diagnosis and what type of treatment I should expect. 

It’s still so surreal to me. No family history, I’m 43, and a healthy runner. But I know cancer doesn’t care how healthy you live your life. 

  • Hi,

    Sorry to hear your news. I had similar diagnosis in January - the difference being HER-. Same size etc.

    i had mastectomy in March with a few nodes removed to test and it was found in one out of three. So all lymph nodes being removed on 15th April. 

    it’s completely rubbish isn’t it. I’m a little older at 48 with kids aged 12 and 9.  

    it’s been suggested I will probably need radiotherapy and chemo is still to be discussed subject to how many lymph nodes it is in, although I suspect given age etc it will also be suggested. Plus 10 years of hormone tablets I think. 

    do let us know what your doctor says. 
    take care,


  • Hi Megorun, I was triple positive, grade 3 stage 3. I had a 2cm tumour and it had spread to one lymph node. Because of the this I had to have an axillary clearance. They found another 9 positive lymph nodes out of 12. Ultrasound and mammograms hadn’t picked it up. I then had 8 cycles of chemo, 15 days radio with booster sessions and Phesgo for a year plus hormone treatment for 5 years. If you click on my name you can read my journey. 
    This was my treatment regime. 
    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x 

  • Hey Wave tone1 I was diagnosed in January with grade 2 invasive lobule, my lump was 30mm i had a lumpectomy end of Jan. I start my 9 sessions of radiotherapy this week and started tamoxifen a few weeks ago for 10 yrs - I am ER+ PR + HER2 -

    I had no lymph node involvement- it’s been a journey Pray tone1

    I am 48 yrs old and again with no family history at all - I do blame HRT, I had dense tissues also and ended up having an MRI with contrast to make sure the lump was contained and not spread into other breast.

    stay strong ladies

  • Hi  

    Sorry you find yourself here, although it is a great place to find support!

    It's highly likely given their thoughts of the size of your tumor being 4mm, that you will have a lumpectomy (WLE-wide local excision), which is day surgery.  I had a 15mm grade 2 tumor and 2 larger areas of DCIS, so had 80mm removed and was still out of hospital after 3 hours.  During the operation it's probable that they will remove your sentinel lymph nodes (we all have a different number) as if it's spread it would be in these and they will check there are no tiny cells in them.

    As you are ER+/PR+ then you will be given hormone blocking tablets for  generally 5 years if post menopausal and for pre menopausal, it can often be 10 years.

    The HER2+ unfortunately usually means chemo as well.

    Radiotherapy is also given to make sure that there are no microscopic cells that have been missed in surgery.

    There is a lot of 'belts and braces' to treatment which is great news.  I was diagnosed nearly 7 years ago and have finished all my treatments now. Despite thinking about it every day initially (well, every hour of every day!), I now hardly ever think about having had cancer, so it does get a lot easier as time passes.

    I hope everything went well with your doctor on Monday and you have your treatment plan soon as naturally it is different for everyone depending on their circumstances.

    Kindest wishes, Lesley

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hello there and sorry you are dealing with breast cancer.  I remember when first diagnosed had DCIS in one breast but after further tests found a small 3mm invasive ductal cancer in the other. Stage 1 and grade 2 snd both ER and PR +.   I was much older than you at diagnosis 71 but avid cyclist, plant based eater etc.  But I had been on HRT for 16 years so that with dense breasts didn’t help.  I had 2 lumpectomies and then radiation to both breasts and now on Anastrazole for 5 years.  Back to cycling and feeling good except some issues with hormone blockers but finding the cancer early makes the treatments easier.  
    I live in Florida but treatment was surgery, radiation and hormone blockers.  You are young so I would think tamoxifen as premenopausal for the medicine.  I wish you well and I kept exercising throughout except radiation oncologist told me no cycling during treatment so I went for walks.  Keeping active really helped me to feel kind of normal.  My poor little breasts had been poked, prodded, biopsied, clips put in etc but all in all it was tolerable.  Hugs to you.
