Post chemo meds

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  • 269 subscribers

I started my first chemo session on Thursday. EC ( followed by T from cycle 4)  I was sent home with three days of anti nausea tablets, dexamethasone, senna laxative and 7 days Filigrastim injection. I had horrendous nausea and vomiting the first day and phoned help line and was prescribed Peptac, omprazole and metaclopropamide.  I’m a little worried as my ‘hospital’ meds run out today. In experience should the nausea have diminished by day 4 - I have no desire to go through the experience of my first day again. 

  • Hi, i think most people are feeling less sick by day 4. You could always ask for more next time you go they will give them to you no problem. You can also ask your GP for a perscription for the medications you need there is nothing worse than feeling or being sick. All the best

  • Was exactly the same, I got some more metaclooramide and was told to take 2 instead of 1 every 3hrs. It definately helped and by day 4 I could eat, by day 5 I felt weak but better, by day 7 I’d say Green heartwas 80% me. I’m now two wks post 1st chemo. Past from the hidious indigestion (who knew it was painful), I’m doing good. I hope this helps. Maybe call your hotline no to get some more meds Green heart

  • Thanks guys, I’ve a little more balance now but still horrible tummy upset. I’ll ask for more meds next time x

  • Hello Jooliepie 

    I had three rounds of EC and the first was terrible with nausea!

    I found that I only started to feel a little better around three / four days later. 

    They did advise me to regularly take the anti sickness meds as I kept forgetting! Also make sure you are hydrated xxx

  • Hi Jooliepie, I have been suffering dreadfully with nausea and vomiting for 12 days since my 2nd EC Chemo. Prescribed Ondansetron which does nothing and Metoclopramide doesn’t work either. I have a telephone call apt with the Oncologist next Tuesday and hoping he can sort something out for me ready for the 3rd treatment next Thursday. 
    I can cope with all the other side effects but not constant nausea and vomiting. 
    I hope that you are no longer suffering and sending a hug Hugging x

    Alfie 24

  • Bless you, I’m now feeling much better (day 8) I had ondansetron and another anti nausea tablet too (began with an A but have finished box now) I find that the acid reflux meds helped calm things down. Now no more vomiting…..just need to control the ‘other end’ Wink

    Ive also been advised to take Loratadine antihistamine alongside Filigrastim jag. So far no bad reaction to that Fingers crossed