Mixed invasive ductal and lobular cancer

  • 8 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Hello All.

I have been told I have a rarer form of BC - mixed invasive ductal and lobular cancer. I can't find much information on it and was wondering if anyone had experience of it.

My main question is whether you decided on lumpectomy or mastectomy and why. My surgeon has asked me to make the final choice and surgery is Friday. I have 2 sites to remove in one breast and waiting on biopsy results from 2nd breast.

Thanks so much.


    Welcome to the forum and I’m sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed itch two types of breast cancer. While I don’t have an answer for you I noticed that you haven’t had any replies yet so I thought I’d reply to you to welcome you to the community. This reply will move you to the top of the discussion. Hopefully someone will be along with an answer to your question.

    Best of luck with the operation whatever you decide to do.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hello, I had a mixed lobular (grade 1) and invasive ductal (grade 2) tumour. Just one tumour as far as I am aware. I don’t know if it was all mixed together, or two breast cancers stuck together if you know what I mean. But unlike you, I didn’t find out about it being a mixed tumour until after surgery, and from the pathology report. I was completely shocked as prior to surgery, the biopsy revealed only IDC, grade 2. I had chemotherapy prior to surgery, but had always opted for a mastectomy from the start. I am 62, and that is why I made that choice. 18 months later I had a second mastectomy for symmetry. I also had 15 rounds of radiotherapy and am on Anastrazole. I was diagnosed 3 yrs and 1 month ago. Xx

  • Hi,

    Ive not had this type of breast cancer but  Dr Liz O’Riodan, who was a consultant breast surgeon was diagnosed with this type of breast cancer and she has done several you tube videos about her breast cancer journey, as well as videos on other aspects of breast cancer. You may find these useful. 

  • Thank you so much for your answer. The 2 types was quite a shock especially as there was no lump just a larger wrinkle than the rest of my skin! 

  • Thank you very much Shade. I will have a look. Much appreciated. 

  • Hi I have the same mixed type as you.  I wasn’t given a choice but had a lumpectomy and the needed a re-excision for clearer margins.  I get my results tomorrow - so nervous.   I also had a sentinel lymph node biopsy and micros were found in the removed node.  So far I’m expecting radiotherapy afterwards x

  • Hi Janey.

    Thank you for replying. I will keep everything crossed for you tomorrow. I get results from my 3 extra biopsies tomorrow so also very nervous. 

  • Hi everyone, I’m new to the group and have the exact same diagnosis. I’ve had a bi-lateral mastectomy, 2 weeks ago and await test results from the tissue sent off for testing. I have stage 1, grade 2 and now in limbo until the test results comes back. I’m 44 years old and have been going through  screening process for about 5 years ,  as both my mum and her sister  had breast cancer. I’ve opted for bi-lateral mastectomy as It’s so strong in the family and don’t want to go through this again. My aunt got it twice. She died at age 52, diagnosed at 47. 

    I myself have tons of questions and feel lost , but you’ll get there. There seems to be tons on support on here. 

    I wish you all the best. I know this is not an easy thing to go through.