Paranoid I have another tumour

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Hi. I have recently been diagnosed with a grade 2 invasive Ductal carcinoma and I also have what they are referring to as a “borderline” papilloma, both in the left breast. I had biopsies and currently waiting for a date for surgery (wide local excisions) and sentinel lymph node biopsy. BC was discovered following routine mammograms. I don’t know if I am being paranoid but I can definitely now feel a small lump in my right breast. The mammogram was just over six weeks ago. When I got the recall I had another mammogram and ultrasound but only in my left breast, nothing on the right. Has anyone ever had anything similar where a palpable lump has appeared within 6 weeks of a mammogram? Or has anyone got any words of wisdom to stop me having a complete meltdown please? Thank you x

  • Hi  , sorry you have this further worry on top of your cancer diagnosis. I haven’t been in exactly the same position as you but have been back to the breast clinic several times over the 5 years since my initial diagnosis because I’ve felt a lump or had other issues. And at my most recent annual mammogram and follow up, I had found a ‘possible lump’ just before the mammogram. I asked about it at my consultation - the doctor said he couldn’t feel anything and that nothing had shown up on the mammogram, but arranged for an ultrasound just to check. All was well on all these occasions. I’ve also had a benign fibroadenoma, which felt like a pea, and cysts, which felt like ‘lumpiness’, in the years preceding my cancer diagnosis. So there are all sorts of things that can cause a feeling of a lump, which I’m sure you know, that are not cancer. But knowing this is not going to put your mind at rest. 

    So my suggestion is to phone the breast clinic on Monday and ask if you can have that breast examined. It will just prey on your mind otherwise. I hope you can get reassurance soon, and also that you get your op date so that you can get started with your treatment. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • I found a lump following surgery, called BC nurse who arranged for an appt to see my surgeon, he could feel it too, ultrasound showed it was nothing of concern.  6 months later I can no longer feel it.  Go get it checked out, it will put your mind at ease.  Good luck with your surgery, hope you get a quick date x