Ductal carcinoma grade 3 spread to lymph nodes

  • 5 replies
  • 266 subscribers

I'm new here I found out few days ago still in shock and can't take it all in. I had a ct scan yesterday to check if it's spread further these 2 weeks of waiting is going to send me insane.

I'm petrified!! I'm a mum to daughters 9 and 11 I haven't even told them yet i Don't even know where to start seems so unfair on them.

I'm scheduled for surgery this month for a lumpectomy and lymph nodes removal but waiting on lab results if it's hormone or protein that will decide my treatment options.

I'm 9 months post gastric sleeve surgery and scared about the medication what I can and can't have.

I'm just so scared Pensive

  • Hi Carmen81, 

    Im so sorry you are having to post on here and are in this situation. At the moment there is so much information you do not know and your journey will depend on several variables, but treatment for breast cancer has improved so much and so has your prognosis. The treatment isn’t easy and I’m not going to lie this year is going to be hard but you will get through it. This time last year I was in the same situation as yourself, I was sure I was terminal as I also had a grade 3 which had spread to my lymph nodes, I had a lumpectomy and total node clearance February 2023. A year on I’m still having treatment, on medication but I’m well and as far as I’m aware no sign that the cancer has spread. All our journeys are different, the part that you are in I felt was the most difficult as the unknown is the hardest. I wish I had a magic formula to get you through the next few weeks but what I can say is it will get easier. On this forum we understand what you are going through as we have been there. Sending a virtual hug.

  • Thank you for replying I don't who else to talk to.

    I keep siting here thinking it's not real then I click back to thinking this is going to be a long journey I just hope I have the strength because right now I definitely don't.

    Waiting for these results is torture!! X 

    I'm so happy everything is going well for you X 

  • Carmen 

    You will find the strength, we are all in disbelief when breast cancer happens to us. Try not to think too far ahead as sometimes our cancer journey alters. Take someone with you to listen to all the information you will be told but your surgeon and oncologist for all their education and experience have never had breast cancer and this forum has given me information and reassurance that I haven’t received from any other source. You are not alone on your journey we are here to support each other.

  • Thank you so much Heartpulse

  • Hi I had exactly the same and mine was her2 positive. It had also reached my chest wall. I went through chemo then surgery  my tumour was 8inches so not small by any means. I then had radiotherapy and I'm now on preventory chemo I have about 5 left of 14. I also start a new drug next Thursday in with my chemo to protect my bones I will have that every 6months for 3yrs. Believe me non of it is as bad as you imagine and on here we are all in it together. I wish you all the best on your journey but you will come out the other side stronger wishing you all the best but you got this my friend xx Mandy.