So scared

  • 4 replies
  • 267 subscribers
  • I was diagnosed with high grade DCIS in December and had my SLN removed and biopsies. They found invasive cancer cells in them. So they are now planning scans to see if it has spread to my bones, liver and lungs. I need to start chemo in the next few week, then after that, I am to have a masectomy. They are still waiting for one more result on the biopsy to come back, which may indicate I am triple negative. I am absolutely terrified that it's going to have spread and I won't be cured. My husband died of cancer 6 six years ago when our children were only 16, 15 and 13. They are aware what is happening and are scared too. I remarried in February last year and shortly after my father died of lung cancer. My husband is so upset, as is my mum. I'm trying so hard to put a brave face on for them all but I'm so scared inside that I'm not going to survive this. I'm new to all this and still trying to understand it all. 
  • Hi  , sorry you find yourself here, you’ve had so much to deal with over the past years, without having your own cancer diagnosis to face now. I had a different sort of breast cancer but a friend had triple negative around 7 or 8 years ago, had a year or so of treatments, and is doing just fine now with no sign of recurrence. I also a friend at my exercise class who had triple negative and is about 3 years down the line and all is well. So although it’s very hard, try to just focus on each part of the tests as information gathering for the medics, so that they can plan the best treatment plan for you. If you want to talk to someone, the helpline here has lovely folk who would talk it through with you. It’s a very frightening and distressing time, and the waiting is tortuous, but the time will pass and hopefully you’ll find it all easier to face once things are more certain. Re putting a brave face on, it’s what we all do but I hope you can find the opportunity to ‘let it out’ eg I wonder if there’s a Maggies or MacMillan centre near you? I eventually found a Maggies centre at a different hospital to where I had my treatment, and chatting there was a massive relief as there was no need to pretend that I was fine. And of course it’s great that you have found this site as it’s definitely a safe place to say what you like. Lots of support and shared experiences here so I hope you won’t feel so alone. Sending love and a big virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thankyou so much, I will see if I can find a Maggies centre. Just talking to others on here is reassuring me and giving me hope. Xx

  • This is also a great place for support, it’s in London if you’re anywhere near, but they also do online stuff. I’ve been there twice, wish I’d found it when I was first diagnosed but better late than never! Xx 

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thankyou, you are wonderful xx