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I had a WLE combined with round block mammoplasty one week ago. On my discharge notes it says the diagnosis is ‘malignant neoplasm of breast’. Does this mean I have cancer as I thought that they couldn’t tell until the lump was analysed. I have another week to wait for the results but don’t know whether the surgeon could tell if it is cancer without the lump being tested. Just a bit worrying when you see the word ‘malignant’. Anyone had similar experience? Kind regards. 

  • My surgeon used the word malignant at my first visit after mamo and ultrasound. Well I asked the question is it malignant and he said yes. The biopsy results came back to show DCIS only but high grade which came as a relief. But post mastectomy showed some micro invasion, largest being 3.55mm  and triple negative. So a bit of a roller coaster. 

  • Thank you BethS. Did you have radiotherapy or any other treatment?

  • Yes I had the mastectomy in June then 5 day radiotherapy in August. I saw the consultant today as I have extreme tightness since the mastectomy which won’t let up even with the exercises. He thinks I’ve sprained a muscle so need to rest the arm and use Voltarol. I’ll give a go. It’s really expecting to be hack to normal by now - beginning to think my ‘normal’ doesn’t exist!

  • Hope things improve for you and you get back to ‘normal’ soon. Best wishes and sending love.

  • Hi  , sorry that you find yourself here, and that you’re waiting for the results from your WLE. 
    In my case, I was told at my initial breast clinic appointment, after a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsies, that it looked like cancer. This was confirmed when the biopsy results came back, so I had WLE and sentinel node sampling. The post op results confirmed that it was oestrogen positive invasive ductal carcinoma. So I had radiotherapy and ongoing hormone treatment. I’m sorry that it seems like things haven’t been explained very clearly to you, the whole process is difficult enough! I hope your results appointment is soon, so that you can get a more specific diagnosis and know what’s coming next in terms of any further treatment. Love and hugs, HFxx

    PS There’s an ‘Ask a Nurse’ section on this site, could be worth posting a question there? Xxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi HappyFeet1

    Thank you for your reply. I get my results next week so not long to wait. I didn’t realise about the ‘ask a nurse’ section so I’ll do that. Hope your treatment is going well and love and hugs to you too!