Numbness after mastectomy

  • 5 replies
  • 267 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I had a skin and nipple sparing mastectomy last week. The healing is going well except there is complete numbness of more than half of the breast and the whole of armpit extending to just under the side of the shoulder. Did anyone have similar? I know they warned me about this before but I wasn't prepared for how intense this would be. Does it even marginally improve later on?

Also, did anyone else have expanders followed by implants? To me, the expander is tight and I can feel its ridge under the arm pit. Is this normal? I'm hoping the final implant is much more elegant than this?

Sorry, just lots of questions!

  • Hi One Step

    just seen your post & it was more or less exactly what I wanted to post too so although I have no wise words for you ..I’m in same position (except I’ve had the final implant rather than an expander & I’ve lost my nipple due to the position of my tumour)) - my op was last Wednesday.  

    I’m the same with the numbness of the new breast & I have a tightness under the arm (I’m doing the exercises religiously!).. I know it’s really soon after surgery but I feel like you.. will it feel less numb & heavy?!  Do we just need to give it time .. ?!

    Thsnks & apols for not having any answers for you… just empathy! 

  • Hi, I had my mastectomy mid November 2023 so I’m about 10 weeks on. I have not and will not be having reconstruction. When you have this op nerves are cut through/ damaged and take a long time to heal. I can tell you that after 10 weeks the skin on my chest which was completely numb has reduced to about 30%, the armpit in which I had no feeling whatsoever is about 50% and I am still slightly numb behind my shoulder and the inside of my arm down to the elbow

    it is a very slow process but it will get better just maybe not as good as before the op. Everyone of us is different and every surgery is different however just be patient it will improve.

  • Thank you for your response and please don't apologise! Its reassuring to know we're in this together and we're not alone. Hoping and praying for our recovery xx hope its going well for you!

  • Thank you so much for taking time out to respond. Wishing you all the best with your recovery. I know everyone heals differently but its reassuring to know there's some hope after all! 

  • Yes it’s great to ask questions on here & definitely reassuring to know you’re not alone!

    Yes not too bad thanks .. chemo all done…just have Phesgo (herceptin) until September & recovering from this new boob!! Hope yours is too..

    let me know how you get on!

    sending good thoughts 
