Chemo it is

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  • 271 subscribers
  1. After I've been diagnosed with breast cancer I went through an actual emotional roller coster. The positive side was no chemo or radiotherapy planned. Yet, today I have received the pathology reports, that found HER2 positive cells spreading to my lymph nodes. After full breast mastectomy I thought im over, but not even close. I had an extremely hard day taking on board this news. But what can I do. It is what it is. Im in stage 2 and expecting 12 weeks of weekly chemo once I recover from the surgery. I am really scared of chemotherapy. It is like allowing someone to damage your body. Do everyone struggle with side effects? I think I need some hope that I can manage it.
  • Hi AMDxx

    You must be feeling completely drained - it's horrid when the goalposts shift.  Exactly the same happened to me and I cried for days over having to have chemo.  I was really scared too, I think everyone is, but the nurses are absolutely brilliant and put you at ease.  Drinks loads of water, it really does make a difference.  Side effects for me were ok, mainly brain fog and really tired, but when I needed to I had a couple of days taking it easy, but generally managed to work from home throughout and made sure I took the dogs out for a walk, even if it wasn't a long walk, the fresh air helped.  It isn't something we'd choose to do, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I had feared it would be.   You will get there, it will be done before you know it, I even love my new short-haired look, something I thought I'd never say!  Always got to find a positive xx sending huge hugs xx

  • I have had my tumour removed and 3 lymph nodes - one node had cancer cells. I have been told I need further surgery because the clear margins were too narrow. My tumour was also HER2 positive and I start 6 cycles of Docetaxel and carboplatin chemotherapy medication at the beginning of Feb. I’m also having Phesgo for 1 year and Zoledronate for two years. And of course radiotherapy after the second op.

    i can’t help but ask myself if all this treatment is to assure my recovery or to simply to try to save me.

    i hear people say treatment is much more advanced but I would love to hear from someone who has survived my particular tumour

  • Thanks Gloria, that is exactly what I was told today. That the treatment is to save me and allow many years ahead. That does not mean experience is easier to take. It probably just brings some logic to that emotional situation. 

  • Thank you for replying.  I have never felt so out of control of my body. I’m trying my hardest to stay positive and push the negative thoughts away. Night time is the hardest, occupying my mind with positivity while trying to sleep

  • Gloria, have you tried Mindfulness meditation? I helps me to stay focus. I also started little diary, in which I write in points all good and bad things and feelings that happen on that day. I am not trying to prove anything to myself but it helps me to see positives also, not just the negativity. 

    While today is really hard for me, the positive note I will write down is the Mcmillan Community and lovely people who help me to believe that I will go through it.

  • I was diagnosed with stage 1 ER and HER2 POSITIVE breast cancer Inearly 3 years ago now i had 12 weeks weekly chemotherapy paclitaxel  also herceptin  injections for 1 year and I coped very well all considering I continued to do everyday things at home but that's my stubborn streak lol all I had was hair loss as I didn't want the cold cap and my finger nails were not good slight infection I had to have my chemo slowly each week over 2 hours instead of 1 hour as it was to fast and my body didn't like that at all but as side effects go I was fine hope that helps you and not scare you any doubts the chemo staff are amazing no matter what questions you want to ask xxxx

  • Also when uou go take plenty to drink and snacks a good book or ipad tablet etc I found a good mint sweet to suck helped me as I had a very tinny taste in my mouth fingers crossed I'm nearly 3 years cancer free in June sending love as I said any questions always ask the nurses xx

  • Thank you for that. May I please ask if your hair re grown?

  • Hi AMDxx, there’s a lot of fear around chemotherapy but I didn’t find it too bad. Had a couple of tired days on the first drug (EC) but had no side effects at all on Paclitaxol - just carried on life as normal. Hair loss is upsetting but I was happy with my wig and scarves. I got quite freaked out by the potential side effects - but quickly learned that just because there is a long list it doesn’t mean you’ll get them. You’ve got this! X

  • I’m mid chemo and despite some low level queasiness a few days after treatment I’m  doing ok. First course was EC and now on Doc started today so will see how that goes! Still managing to work almost full time and mainly fr m home which is handy