Query re after care sentinel node biopsy

  • 19 replies
  • 270 subscribers

Hi everyone. I'm new here. It's taken me a while to work out how to post as I can be a bit dum when it comes to anything remotely technical. 

I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy exactly a week ago today. I'm experiencing some soreness, pain numbness under the arm pit but I think what's really bothering me is a sense of "friction" under the arm pit. This is made worse by the fact that obviously I'm not wearing a deodorant now and my underarm feels a bit "tacky" and this is causing me some friction discomfort. 

I'm hoping someone knows what I mean as I'm finding it hard to explain. I've contacted the breast care nurse today but it was late in the day, so I'm not expecting a call back till tomorrow. 

I had my dressings changed 2 days ago and was told I'm healing well but since then I feel in a bit more discomfort. The area where the lump was removed isn't bothering me at all. It's definitely the armpit area that's causing me the most discomfort. Shooting burning and yet numb at the same time. 

I've looked around the internet fir some advice but I've mainly found stuff in American sites which suggest applying cornstarch to the underarm area (is this cornflour).

Any advice would be really really appreciated. Many thanks to you all x

  • Hi Mumpsy

    Sorry to hear you’re having pain under your arm  I had the same surgery as you about 5 weeks ago and it was definitely the lymph node area that was most tender but not very painful  

    How are you getting on with the exercises? Have you checked your bra isn’t rubbing? I found a warm Wheatie over my clothes was soothing . Have you got much bruising and swelling?

    Im sure your breast care nurse will have some good advice for you. Hope it soon eases 

  • Hi Mumpsy

    I had a mastectomy with a sentinel lymph node biopsy. The area around the biopsy was definitely them most affected for me. I had radiotherapy too so this probably added to it. I’ve had a lot of discomfort underarm. In the early days I used a soft sock in my bra to reduce the friction and pain. It helped a little.

  • Same for me and I had surgery in June 2023. Interesting as my team told me not to take off or change dressings until at least 10 days after surgery - smell was not nice I have to say but the healing was really good.  I found (and still do) that with or without deodorant I feel 'tacky'.  I still have discomfort around the armpit which I was bothered about but saw my surgeon yesterday for a face to face and he checked - basically told me all was normal and that they had gone through 3 nerve endings to get the lump out and the feelings will last quite some time until the nerve endings are healed.   They only seem to tell you some things when you have questions but then only the question asked at that time - its very frustrating as how do we know what is right or wrong as we have nothing to compare it with (unless of course you are unlucky and have had the procedure before).  I would not use anything that your team do not advise as everyone is different and what works for them may not for you.  

  • Thank you. Yes, it's definitely the area under the arm that is causing me the most tenderness. I'll see what my breast care nurse says tomorrow.

  • Hi. I think everywhere must do it a bit differently. My dressings were changed in the fifth day. I have to leave these on now until I get my results on 29 December. You're right, I'll speak to the breast care nurse before I try to use anything to get rid of the horrible tackiness 

  • Soft sock ! I may well give that a try. Thank you 

  • Sorry I forgot to say. No it's definitely not my bra rubbing but I do bruise easily and I have a LOT of bruising I can see peeping out if my dressing. I'm perhaps not doing the exercises as much as I should but to be honest, I just find it really uncomfortable 

  • You are right, every hospital is different.  I did find a very soft (small) cushion helped under the arm during the night and sleeping on my back too so a soft sock during the day may do the trick for you - hope so. I have not worn a bra since but a camisole does the job so long as straps are not tight. Have to say I slept on my own as every move that was not my own was uncomfortable.  I only do exercises to the best of my ability and my consultant physio told me never to work through the pain, just work with it so little and often will get you through. Hope you have a good xmas xx

  • All of what you say I can completely relate to. 

    Thank you so much. Enjoy your Christmas too. Hugs xx 

  • Hi  , I had one long excision for both wide local excision/ lumpectomy and sentinel node sampling. I didn’t have problems in my armpit but I did have what I likened to a carpet burn sensation at the side of my armpit on the outer edge, as well as areas that felt completely numb. Very weird. It lasted some time but did eventually resolve. I assume it was from nerve damage. And like some others have said, I had to sleep on my back although I’m usually a side sleeper. Couldn’t bear to sleep on the operated side but also couldn’t let it all ‘dangle’ by sleeping on the other side. I ended up using pillows in various places to get comfy on my back. Hadn’t expected any of it! 
    Sending love and a big virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
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