Carpal tunnel and letrozole

  • 14 replies
  • 281 subscribers

I had a mastectomy in September. I have now been on letrozole for about seven weeks. I have now developed carpal tunnel in my right wrist. It’s agony and I can’t sleep at night. Don’t know if I’m going to be able to carry on with this medication I understand it’s a real side-effect but it’s so bad. Has anybody else experience this?

  • Hello and sorry to hear about you being affected with carpal tunnel. I haven’t experienced this pain but my aunty was also on this medication, and struggled with this pain to in both hands. Eventually, was taken off and went on to Tamoxifen. There is only my aunty I know of and not sure how common this is with your medication. I am sure others will be able to support and help you to on this site. Hope you get sorted and out of further pain x 

  • Thank you so much. I called the breast care nurse and she said she didn’t think carpal tunnel was a side effect. Felt like I was going mad. I don’t want to give up on letrozole so quickly but I feelCryike cutting my hand off at night Cry

  • Dear Denny1

    Just wondering how you’re doing now? I’ve recently had breast surgery and been taking Letrozole for a few weeks. I had 5 sessions of radiotherapy and during the first night after the therapy I suffered numb hands. I asked the radiotherapies if this was caused by the therapy but they said it wasn’t. A month later my breast nurse has taken me off the Letrozole prior to seeing my consultant next week to see if my symptoms improve. I saw my GP yesterday and they said the therapy causes inflammation which can cause Carpel Tunnel Sundrome. She suggested I try wrist braces on a night so will give them a go. She seemed to think, once the inflammation subsides, I should improve. Is there any hope?

  • Wrist braces at night are fantastic they really do help.

  • Thank you Carron1; expecting my Amazon delivery today so that’s good to know Grin

  • Hi, I got R carpal tunnel on Exemestane & wrist brace at night helped a little. I stopped the meds 7 weeks ago & my wrist was better within 4 days. It’s an unfortunate side effect. 

  • Hi, have tried wrist braces and although I need to get used to wearing them in bed, my fingers haven’t been numb in the night. Not sure coming off the meds made any difference!

  • It can take a while for the inflammation to subside. I think I was lucky. All the other side effects have now also gone - bone pain, brain fog, fatigue, 

  • Just waiting to see my consultant to check out another suspected lump. If that’s me just being over sensitive, I think they’ll put me on different meds so will have to see how that goes. Great to hear your symptoms subsided. It feels like every aspect of your fitness is undermined Smirk

  • I just found this thread. I've got the same symptoms from two months of letrazole and kadcyla.  I stopped taking letrazole last week and my pain levels have gone right down but I still have numb and tingly hands. Seeing my GP this week. 

    I'm supposed to be on ai for 7 years, did you start again, change meds or stop completely?