Treatment and suppliments

  • 2 replies
  • 496 subscribers


I was diagnosed in December 24, had a lumpectomy in Jan 25 and I’m about to undergo a course of Radiotherapy as well as being on Tamoxifen. It’s all positive as they op was successful in getting it all and there was non present in my lymph nodes.

I’ve joined the community as I want to improve my lifestyle and have a some questions around diet and what supplements I can/can’t take. Are there any forums/groups on this topic? 


  • Hi ,

    I had the same as you 2023 and started taking a general vitamin supplement quite a while afterwards . On reflection , probablyshould have taken them earlier so I would check with your treatment team to see at what point you could start .

    it took me a while to pick up from the radiotherapy which was 15 sessions over 3 weeks . I didn’t feel ill , just tired so you must listen to your body when it’s telling you to rest . Drink LOADS of water and do the exercises they give you . Try to eat healthily and you will get better .

    At 71, my  biggest problem was the psychologist effect . I’d had endometrial cancer in 2012 and it was scary when  the breast lump was found .

    But so far been lucky as both cancers were found and treated early so I am very thankful for that .

    Wishing you all the best for your treatment  and a good recovery .


  • I will ask them, thank you for your reply. I’m perimenopausal and I want to take magnesium and other stuff to help with the brain fog etc but it’s just a mind field. 

    Good news that you’ve managed to treat both Cancers, it must have been hard as  finding one is scary enough. 

    I’m very lucky to have found mine so early too.