New and unsure

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  • 499 subscribers

I recently went to gp with a lump in my left breast . They referred me straight away to breast clinic it turned out to be a benign cyst but upon having mammogram they detected one in my right. I have since been back and had z stereotactic vacuum assisted biopsy done and clip fitted.  I git a call to say that it had already starred to calcify and I have to go back for the same biopsies doing again . They told me it could possibly be a grade 0-1 DCIS but I'm still terrified.  I'm 45  . My mum has a grade 3-4 lump in her right and had mastectomy 5 yrs ago and s few other female relatives also gad it . Is it likely that mibe us definitely cancer 

  • Hi 

    I know it’s such a tough time for you, I think the waiting, tests, results are tougher in some ways than the prognosis.
    At least then you have a plan of action. 
    It’s not an easy time, as our minds go into overdrive.

    I first found my lump last July, but didn’t get confirmation it was cancer until the end of October. I’d convinced myself no news must be good news so came as a huge shock.

    The waiting for various results was by far the worst.

    I hope you get the answers you need soon xxxx

  • Thank uou so.much this is  my 3rd biopsy since referral in December so all.happeneed quite quickly.  I think that's why I'm like I am .my head is spinning  don't have had time to process anything  . Luckily for me my mum has. Been amazing swapping her shifts to come to all.appointments with me and explain it all as she we t threw it in 2019 and had a mastectomy in Mar h 2020  .I hope you are doing well xx