Not diagnosed but panicking big time

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Hi, I found a very enlarge auxiliary lymph in my middle armpit area Thursday night. So I booked an apt first thing Friday. Doctors examined me and said it’s 5mm big, slightly rounded and rubbery. She felt my breasts and everywhere and couldn’t feel anything else whatsoever so advised me to give it 2 weeks and if it’s still there in 2 weeks time to come back and they’ll ultrasound it. 

I came home and thought “ ok fine- I suffer with bad health anxiety ever since my BFF died of colon cancer at 39 5 years ago, so the big C absolutely petrifies me. 

bit I’m absolutely stupid and I’m trying to reassure my anxious out of control mind I went in google. Well that has just sent me over the edge and now I’m fluctuating from calm and thinking logically one minute to absolutely blind panicking on verge of panic attack the next. I’m scared at what may or may not be ahead. I’m lucky in that my husband has medical insurance via Bupa so I rang today to get code to visit their breast clinics in Manchester and will call Monday to get an apt next week. But I’m beside myself. I was ok until I read that some people have an enlarged lymph before a lump is even felt and this is usually when the cancer has advanced. This has honestly tipped me over the edge and I’m angry with myself for going on google. Can anybody just talk me off a ledge here.

in my head I’m struggling to understand how one auxiliary lymph node in my armpit can be so enlarged you can visually see it and no others are unless it’s cancer, I then read that signs of metastatis is enlarged aux lymph and dry throat and I’ve had a dry throat all week. My mind is in overdrive. 
im sorry I’m just so worried about what if…. 

  • Hi , I’m so sorry to hear how you’re feeling . I’m in a similar state where waiting and wondering can easily get out of hand . One minute you’re up and the next you sink as low as you can get .

    its so easy for those who are meaning to be supportive to say to keep positive but only when you’re faced with this worrying situation can you really understand it .

    I too have searched the internet for information - it’s hard not to as the time you’re waiting for real answers drags on somehow .

    All you can do really is look after yourself in as many ways as possible . Try to go for a walk in the fresh air every day , take vitamin pills , eat sensibly and get plenty of rest , practice breathing exercises if you wake in the night and can’t get back to sleep , talk about it and cry . These things are helping me at the moment .

    sending you best wishes for good results 

  • Hi Debdoo,

    Sorry to hear your concerns. Please stay away from Google. It's outdated.

    Telephone and speak with a macmillan nurse. They are a great support and very knowledgeable. 

    The reassuring part is your GP did not find any beast lumps. The lump under your arm needs checked out but could be a swollen gland or cyst. 

    If it does turn out to be cancer treatments have progressed so much. There's lots of treatments available now. I wish you well. Xx

  • Thank you. You too. Just awful isn’t it. I’m so scared of the worst case scenario. Only my husband knows as we’ve 3 teenage daughters and I don’t wanna tell them anything if I don’t have to so trying to keep it together but inside I’m falling apart.i don’t know what to do with myself. My husband works away a lot during the week and I’m a housewife so I’ve a lot of time to think and in a panic I turn to google. I don’t wanna worry my parents by telling them before I know anything. I hope ever turns out ok for you as well and ty for replying. 

  • Thank you for replying. I don’t think I could literally talk to anyone on the phone for crying atm. I know I’m an absolute idiot for googling- I know better. And I’m sooo  angry at myself for allowing myself to go there. But when I absolutely climbing through walls desperate and I’ve no one to talk to, that’s where the fear takes me. Can you talk to macmillian nurses online instead/ like this? Xx

  • Hi, whilst google is so very tempting it's really not helpful as it's not fact checked, can highlight extremes and honestly is not reliable.   You can call the lovely folks at Macmillan on 0800 808 0000 to talk things through if that helps, but personally I'd be hanging on to the fact that the doctors weren't concerned when you saw them, if they were they'd have referred you.   However, I know how worrying this can be so I hope you get a quick appointment next week and some reassurance. Best wishes 

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  • The waits are awful. Thankfully I've had my op chemo and radiotherapy. Now on Letrozole for 5 years and in remission.

    The fear is very real. Every wee ache or pain I get my head goes straight back to it the cancer it's back or spread.

    I totally understand where your at.

    I didn't tell my kids till I knew for certain and had a treatment plan. I told my partner and siblings but asked them not yo ask me any questions about it. I couldn't say the word cancer without crying. My anxiety and emotions were all over the place.

    What helped me get through it was distracting myself, walking trying to get fit and healthy so I could tolerate and recover well from the treatments. Spend time with friends and family. I shopped online doing retail therapy probably more than I should have.

    I phoned the macmillan nurses still do with any questions or concerns they are very supportive and reassuring.

    I hope you find out one way or another soon. Sending hugs xx

  • It’s not there - maybe it’s because it’s the weekend? Ty 

  • Yes I did initially do the online chat as I couldn't talk without crying. It was quite cathartic writing it down. 

    I found it really helpful xx

  • Thank you. So pleased you’re in remission  and I would be exactly the same with every twinge of pain, it’s perfectly natural reaction. 
    I really appreciate you replying and I wish you a lifetime of good health xxxxx