Help - yy head is in turmoil !

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  • 497 subscribers

Hi all you brave and strong people, hoping you can help me make sense of this crazy rollercoaster called Breast Cancer!!

I was told on Christmas Eve that I had secondary breast cancer, treatable but not curable, following my routine 3 year mammogram and further investigation tests 2 weeks later, which included further mammograms, ultra sound, biopsies of breast and armpit and a CT scan. I have Invasive Ductal with Lobular Features - ER+ 7/8, HER2 - in my right breast and Metastatic Axillary Carcinoma.  They also found a 15mm lesion in my chest cavity and a number of scleric bony lesions raising possibility of bone spread!!!  Not the news you want recieve anytime, let alone 3:30pm on Christmas Eve when I had nine people arriving for Christmas Dinner the following day!! My head was like a cabbage and it all  didn't seem real.

I got through Christmas Day and Boxing Day feeling very numb and surreal.

I had a bone scan, CT scan and PET scan on new years eve.  My breast nurse called me on 3rd January to advise me that my bones were clear (what a relief that was, you would have thought I had won the lottery) and she had made me an appointment with lung consultant for 6th to review the lesion in my chest, which I was then booked in for Broncoscopy the following day to take biopsies of the lesion, this was by far the worst procedure ever.  Unfortunately when I returned a week later for the results the consultant advised that the samples were undiagnostic and he need to repeat procedure - that day!!! The result is still un-diagnostic but MDT have concluded that this is a benign cyst.

So now got a diagnosis of Primary Breast Cancer which they can aim to cure.  The Oncologist advised that it would be 6 cycles of chemo EC-T over 18 weeks starting today, 7th February, followed by surgery and then radiotherapy.

All sorted MRI, PICC line in ECG, markers, bloods all sorted this week, snd then went to see Oncologist yesterday and it's postponed due to high LFT's!!!

So now got to have more bloods and a MRI on my liver before I can start treatment!!

I am distraught, upset, angry and feel totally out of control.  I thought I was being really positive up til now, and had geared myself up for the treatment.

I have a new date for next Friday if my bloods and MRI are OK, so fingers crossed and everything else, if not its going to be a revised treatment plan.....and all the time this is going on I have the Big C ticking away in me!!  

Love and hugs to you all and hope your treatments are all.going to plan. xxx

  • Hi there, thank you for your post. Welcome to the forum.

    It really sounds as you've been through the mill these past weeks! Such rotten luck to receive your diagnosis on Christmas Eve. Yet such great news to know that your prognosis is much better than was first thought.

    Next week makes a year since my diagnosis.  

    I definitely found the waiting and testing time to be the most difficult. I just wanted the treatment to begin, right now! 

    I imagine it must make it even more challenging to be given a treatment start date and then have that postponed. 

    Your team sound like they're doing a thorough job with ensuring you're having the right treatment. I really do hope that you are able to begin soon.

    In the meantime, I'd try to be gentle with yourself, if you can,  do the things you know usually have a soothing effect and lean on people in your life and in these forums.

    There's no two ways about it. A cancer diagnosis is shocking and scary. We feel it's too much to bear. Yet somehow, we do. We do the treatment. We keep going to bed each night and waking up again each morning and the world keeps turning.  Sooner than we know, our treatment has begun and ended and we're out the other side.

    I send you all the positivity I can.

    Much hugs, Shaka

  • Gosh what a rollercoaster, no wonder your emotions are all over the place.  I had a couple of treatments delayed when I was going through chemo and herception and I was unreasonably annoyed, so I can completely empathise. I guess you have to try and take the positive in that chemo is a horrid drug and can do nasty things (which is what it's designed to do) so they need to ensure you are fit and healthly enough to have it.  Best wishes for Friday 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi  

    My story was different but I can, in part at least, understand how you feel. I was scheduled for surgery which was cancelled following more stuff coming up on MRI which needed to be tested. Told wrong info following this by a BCN about the size of my tumour which really scared me. BCN said I would need a mastectomy (even discussed waiting times for different reconstruction options with me) so I started to get my head around that, turned out I didn’t need one. Surgery scheduled again, pre op and consents all done then MDT disagreed with the surgeon’s plan the next day so cancelled for the second time. Told I had to go for another specialist test and surgery would not be scheduled until this was done, then a week later told I didn’t as my results were reviewed by an expert instead. Had my op on the third date I was given. It was a horrible time and I felt utterly out of my own control so can empathise with how you are feeling. Every phone call seemed to bring more uncertainty and I just wanted something to be done. I was gutted, frightened and furious, same as you are now. But, I did get there in the end. So I just wanted to say, hang in there, there’s people here who understand what you’re going through and, although it’s really tough, you will get there too.

    Best of luck with everything. x