New diagnosis

  • 3 replies
  • 499 subscribers

Hello, just joined and first post!

I'm 57 this month and have just been diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Had early dcis in 2019, found by first mammogram at 50, which was successfully removed without further treatment and was supposed to have my last yearly mammogram when they found this. 

Had 8 biopsies a couple of weeks ago and CT scan yesterday. Go back this Friday 7th Feb, for results of CT and treatment plan. 

Pooping myself tbh!!

  • Hi Lisa M68,

    Sorry you are going through this again. I can only imagine the anxiety. However you have been here before and you beat it before and will do again.

    It is a worry but try to focus on the here and now. Pamper yourself distract yourself whilst waiting for results.

    Once you have ghd results you will be able to focus on the treatments, one step at a time.

    I wish you well, sending hugs  

    Hopefully someone who has a similar experience will be further down the line of their treatments and be able to reassure you xx

  • Hello, thank you for your message. 

    Its the not knowing, isn't it? 

    Brave face during the day as much as possible and then alone at night. Except for Teddy, my cockapoo!

    I hope you're doing 'ok' and we get some sleep tonight! Xx

  • Hi Lisa M68,

    The waits are the worst. It's a horrible experience.

    I was her2neg erpositive prpositive grade 3 diagnosed May. I have had my lumpectomy and sentinels removed, chemo and radiotherapy. Now on Letrozole.

    I have just returned to work on phased return. I can't believe everything my body has been through the last 8 months, but I'm here to tell the tail.

    When I couldn't sleep at night I would lie imagining how I would change my house, home improvements. I would try to day dream about nice things. Visualise myself on holiday. Some nights it worked and I fell asleep other nights I would check the forums see if anyone else was awake and needing to hear from someone else.

    I hope you get some rest take care I'm always happy to answer any questions if I can xx