Lymph nodes

  • 2 replies
  • 501 subscribers

Hi , I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer it’s about 15mm, I also have swollen lymph nodes does this mean the cancer has spread, every little twinge I feel I think the cancer has spread

  • Hi Minstrel 

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer 5cm and swelling under my armpit and the CT scan showed swelling in the lymph nodes. I had a biopsy and it came back clear. 
    I’ve had a mastectomy and 6 lymph nodes removed that were clear.

    I know every little twinge makes your mind go into over drive but try not to worry until you know for sure.

    Im so sorry you’re going through this and it’s a scary time but I’ve had chemo and surgery and had a complete pathological response. I’m now having radiotherapy only 5 sessions and immunotherapy until July. 
    Take one day at a time. If you need a chat I’m here.

    sending hugs xx

  • Thank you so much, your reply has helped.

    i wish you all the best x