Lymph nodes

  • 7 replies
  • 498 subscribers

Hi , I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer it’s about 15mm, I also have swollen lymph nodes does this mean the cancer has spread, every little twinge I feel I think the cancer has spread

  • Hi Minstrel 

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer 5cm and swelling under my armpit and the CT scan showed swelling in the lymph nodes. I had a biopsy and it came back clear. 
    I’ve had a mastectomy and 6 lymph nodes removed that were clear.

    I know every little twinge makes your mind go into over drive but try not to worry until you know for sure.

    Im so sorry you’re going through this and it’s a scary time but I’ve had chemo and surgery and had a complete pathological response. I’m now having radiotherapy only 5 sessions and immunotherapy until July. 
    Take one day at a time. If you need a chat I’m here.

    sending hugs xx

  • Thank you so much, your reply has helped.

    i wish you all the best x

  • Hi, it's so normal to worry about everything after a diagnosis, you're absolutely not alone in feeling like this. I found that really focussing hard on what the medical team said, and on what was confirmed, helped me a lot and I tried not to let myself wander into the “what if” zone by keeping myself busy and distracted. Best wishes for your treatment.

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi

    Hope you’re ok, I’ll just reiterate what the other ladies have said, try and focus on what your medical team say and advise.

    The waiting for test results, biopsies is by far the hardest.

    My breast cancer had spread to my lymph nodes - they discovered that before confirming the lump on my breast. I had a full node clearance at the same time as my Lumpectomy. I was paranoid if it had got to them then I must be riddled with it!. 
    They assured me that’s not the case, they removed 10 in all and two had cancer. The two nearest the breast, which again they say is good.

    I started chemo last week then it’ll be 3 weeks radiotherapy and hormone blockers. 
    If you have any worries, don’t hesitate to contact your MacMillan team, they’re there to reassure you.

    It’s all so overwhelming at first and the waiting is always the hardest. 

    Take care xxxx

  • Hey

    did your cancer spread to lymph nodes?

  • Hi, luckily not. Whilst my lump was 55mm it had not spread. 

    Community Champion badge

  • That’s good. Mine was 21mm but had spread to one lyphnode