New with an appointment looming

  • 3 replies
  • 498 subscribers

Hello, I have had pain in my boob for 5-6 weeks, went to the Dr who can feel a lump so sent a referral. My appointment is tomorrow. I have had some cysts removed by needle in the past and ducts removed (non cancerous) due to blood staining, I havent had any issues for over 3 years. The pain can be sharp, I can't sleep on that side and it looks a bit swollen. No rash or change in colour. I guess I am just a bit worried as the cysts I have had removed have never had pain with them. I am 45.

  • Your story sounds similar to mine. 3 years ago I felt a lump and was referred where they did a mammogram, ultrasounds and needle biopsies which found benign lumps. Then this year I was having discharge from the same nipple and when comparing my mammogram to the one they did 3 years ago there were some big changes. As soon as they drained a large cyst they could see a big lump and it could be felt. Unfortunately my turned out to be cancer.

    I was shocked by how quickly everything was dealt with from there so rest assured that you will find out quickly and it will be dealt with quickly. It could also be nothing to worry about. At least they do everything they can to find out what it is and you don't have to spend forever worrying. Every single person I have met on this journey have been fantastic, very caring and kind but also knowledgeable. 

    Getting tests will make you feel a lot better and then you will know what you are dealing with. 

    Good luck tomorrow. 


  • Thanks for replying. I think I am just hoping that the pain isn't anything bothersome. I am glad it is tomorrow so I can get on with it. 

  • I put off going to the doctor for a while because I was hoping that too until I couldn't anymore. I hope everything works out. 
