
  • 4 replies
  • 496 subscribers

Hi all. First time here. I was diagnosed with breast cancer for the 2nd time back in October 24. I had a mastectomy and lymph node removal on 12th November. I am now having hormone treatment. The first time, 30 years ago, I had a lumpectomy and lymph node removal followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. 

The incision has healed well but wondered if anyone here is suffering with various swellings that some have hardened? The incision area itself isn't swollen. The hard areas are a little uncomfortable but not painful. 

  • Hi there,

    I am sorry to hear you have a reoccurrence. I wish you all the success to beat it again. 

    I had Lumpectomy and SLNB a week ago. I too have a hard but squishy swelling. Around the armpit with some local pain and dull thrombin. Incision wound is clean and healing nicely. I believe the swelling to be a seroma. They are common after breast surgery. Your exercises will help to alleviate the swelling and I have read it should settle down. Of this isn't the case then visit your GP as sometimes they need to be drained. 

    A Seroma is a collection of fluid from what I read. 

    Best Wishes

    Claire x

  • Hi Claire. Thank you for your reply. My oncologist mentioned seroma. It wasn't anything I had heard of. Mine seems to be a collection of lumpy bits rather than one. I thought the were getting a little better but now I'm not sure. I will give it the weekend and then contact my keyworker breast care nurse if I can get hold of her.

    Best wishes


  • Hi there, welcome to the forum, glad you found us.  I had my surgery in 2021 and have a variety of lumps and bumps around the would area that are still tender to touch but if it's bothering you I'd give your nurse or GP a call and ask to have it checked out.  Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thank you for welcoming me.   I called myself Pucha as I have just read swim two birds.   I'm Irish too but living in Sheffield.    I had breast cancer 9 years ago, oestrogen dependant, I had a lumpectomy, lymph nodes removed and radiotherapy.   Last weekend I found a new lump in the same breast.     I'm waiting for a hospital appointment at the fast track breast clinic.    I'm very anxious and am dreading hearing bad news.         Thanks for your welcome.   I hope this finds you well.   xx