Diep flap surgery

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Currently waiting for my surgery date coming very soon and would love to know as much as I can to be prepared I have my pre assesment Thursday so want to be able to ask questions so any advise tips hospital stay must haves would be much appreciated thank you 

  • I’ve got my pre op tomorrow. 
    I’ve had a CT scan of my abdomen also. 

    My reconstruction nurse sent through an attachment with very good advice like what is needed at hospital for after. 
    She suggests things like long cable for phone, pjs with buttons and short sleeves, etc. 

    She also sent links through for relevant underwear to purchase for after.

    Hopefully yours will do the same. Have you met the plastic surgeon yet?

    Good luck xx

  • Thank you for your reply and good luck also . Yes I’ve met my surgeon just going for pre op Thursday I’m sure they will give me lots of paperwork then and also I’ve been online but wanted to hear from people that have had it done and can get a proper idea of any thing I need to know that usually they don’t tell you . 

    Thanks x x 

  • I had a diep reconstruction and mastectomy end of jan last year, at the same time. So they took my tummy fat to make me a new boob. Is that what you are having? You didn't mention a mastectomy and said flap. So I wasn't sure if you're talking about the same thing.

    Whatever you have best of luck and try not to Google... a lot of outdated and scary stuff. I hope I can help. Have you looked up info on here too?

    Big hugs xx

  • Hi sorry yes I’ve had mastectomy and radiotherapy so going for delayed Diep flap surgery I have read it but just wanted personal experience from people on this group thank you x

  • How’s your recovery a year on btw x

  • Hi. No probs. Just me being a bit slow. Other than a longer surgery fir me it's probably similar after. 

    So I didn't drive for over 8weeks, cos your tummy muscles have been affected, making an emergency stop difficult.

    I was given a front fastening. Cross over at the back, NOT underwired or padded. But after several weeks my surgeon suggested sports bras. 

    My sis made me cushions which were THE best. One long sausage to wear across my tummy under the seat belt. One with velcro to strap around chest strap (godsend). One like a mini handbag to wear under my armpits and a couple to use either side of me in bed as surgeon said I had to sleep on my back. One to go under my knees and cos they were best bent initially to reduce strain on tummy stitches.

    My husband bought me a stool for the shower. I didn't think I needed it, but I did use it in the end. 

    I couldn't cook, clean or walk my dog for several weeks. 

    I drunk several water, rested plenty, but gradually increased my walking. Moisturised using aveeno and did my physio exercises every night and morning. 

    I look at my scars as my battle trophies. I'm dark skinned so maybe my scars are more prominent (not sure). Staying positive and being kind to yourself is the most important thing.

    Nearly forgot the 1st night they monitored my new breast every 2hrs to hear the blood pumping... so not great sleep. Plus I had lots of drains and morphine thro a drip.and catheter as I couldn't go to the loo for couple days.

    Hope some of thar helps.

    Hugs and best of luck

  • My recovery a year on, wasn't as complete as I thought. But that's just me. I'm still awaiting more aesthetic surgery but on the non urgent list. But the most difficult for me is the energy level being much lower than I used to be. But that's probably more the meds. The actual boob reconstruction and tummy removal are OK- just very little sensitivity.

    I'm still wearing sports bras because I love them so much.

    Tbh I'm a little frustrated cos I thought it wud all be over by now, but it isn't. But just getting on with life.

    Saying all that, I wouldn't change anything.

    Hugs and good luck.

  • Sounds like you’ve done amazing - I hope I can be as strong! 
    I am booked to have mastectomy and DIEP all together on 21st January! 

    Why did you have the stool for shower? 
    Yes they’ve told me I won’t be able to drive for 4-6 weeks but to me, it takes as long as it takes. As long as I’m okay! 

    Someone has bought me a V cushion to help with recovery at home. I can’t wait to cuddle lots of cushions. 
    Not so sure I am going to like sleeping on my back but I hope I get used to it. 

    Yes they told me it would be 1-1 the first night.

    The reconstruction nurse sent me links to different bras and knickers. I’ve just got mine from M and S. there is one in the sale at the mo but they’ve told out except for the larger sizes and I ain’t that big LOL.  

    Congrats and good luck for the future!!

    The scars are nothing to what it could of been and you should be proud of yourself - sending hugs!!xx

  • You'll be in good hands. My NHS staff were fantastic. Couldn't fault ANYONE. Just stay positive, do whatever they say and be very kind to yourself and accept any help offered. I had lots of friends help which was fab. I'm having a drinks and snacks nite to say thanks to all of them on 1st Feb (1yr & a day since op).

    I found I couldn't stand for long to have a shower, just easier to sit and wash my hair and body, especially my feet (difficult balance on one leg and stretching).

    I'm not a back sleeper and fidget  a lot. So having lots of cushions either side helped me stay on my back, plus supported my arms more comfortably.  I slept in my spare room, cos I was worried my husband might bump me accidentally. Sleep wasn't great, but I was able to rest during the day.

    Just so you know, I did have a cry when I finally saw myself for the1st time in the mirror a couple days after the op. It was just a shock. But I took several progress photos to remind myself how far I had come. But when I looked at them recently, it wasn't actually that bad. It was just shock.

    The cushions to sleep and drive (especially drive home) were of IMMENSE help.

    Big hugs 

  • Thank you for sharing it helps to know little things like this . I have lots of pillows from my mastectomy so they will come in handy . I also have a drain bag to carry the drains around so I’ll take that too I think I’m more prepared than I think but just making sure I haven’t missed anything u know . I know u can never be 100 % prepared