Chemotherapy decision

  • 3 replies
  • 499 subscribers

Hi all, I was diagnosed with dcis in October, the results from first surgery showed that the cancer was infact invasive (grade 1).  Nipple sacrificing therapeutic mammoplasty plus 2 nodes removed 2 weeks later then results the following week showed that the first node showing cancer cells, second clear! I had an appointment on Wednesday with the oncologist regarding further treatment. I have been offered chemo but it's completely my decision! My head is all over the place as he couldn't say if having it would be of any benefit. Radiotherapy & hormone therapy is a definite. I'm looking to see if anyone has been in a similar situation? 

  • Hi mrstmac,

    I had grade 3 cancer in breast but lymph nodes were clear. My oncologist advised me to have chemo as he couldn't be sure some rouge cells had not travelled in my blood stream.

    I took the chemo radiotherapy and now hormone treatment. I just wanted to throw everything at the cancer to make sure it was eradicated.

    The choice is always yours. I wish you well in your treatment plan and recovery. Xx

  • Aww thank you for your reply, I'm sure I will make the correct decision for me. Relaxed️ xx

  • Hi mrstmac, I would find that really tough. I think we are in a similar situation. I started with lumpectomy and SNLB in Oct. Lymphs clear and invasive tumours removed but had to have lateral mammoplasty as margins not achieved for dcis (am still recovering from this 10 days later, having sailed through 1st op). Anyway, if margins are clear this time, I have been offered radiotherapy - as yet no mention of chemo. I think I would want more information about why they aren’t sure, perhaps a second opinion, ask if there are other diagnostic tests that can be done to help build a clearer picture about impact of chemo. on recurrence etc. It’s a huge decision. Good luck.