Can't stop coughing days after diep flap reconstruction.

  • 2 replies
  • 495 subscribers

I just wanted to say hi as I'm new to all this. 

I wonder if anyone who's had the diep flap reconstruction experienced what it was like to cough a great deal straight after the operation? 

I had my surgery on Wednesday last week 11th and now have COVID, which isn't bad in itself, but I'm coughing up a storm. Apart from it being agony for my stomach where I've been stitched, my tummy is now very hard and sore to the touch. I wondered how much damage all this coughing is doing. I have been assured by a nurse at the hospital that the stitches will hold, but internally, it feels like they're tearing. I've got one more blood thinning injection, which also makes me think I'll have some internal bleeding. I'm also worried that it's doing long term damage that might result in hernias later on. 

I'm holding a small cushion to my tum every time need to cough, which helps but I think the damage might have been done already. 

Has anyone had the same with coughing or sneezing?

Many thanks for any thoughts, Anie.

  • Hi Anie, I had a diep flap reconstruction in May 23. I did get a chest or flu type infection right afterwards and was coughing up all kinds of horrible phlegm for days! It was so so painful and I thought the same as you. But… my stitches were not in any way affected. They held on strong and have healed well. The scars are still there but faded and I love them. They’re part of who I am now. So unlucky that you have caught COVID! Keep that pillow close when coughing and if you are worried speak to the nurses again but your scars will heal and I hope the infection clears up soon!  However, you need to give your body time to heal… you’ll be sore for a while but it does get better. 

  • Hi Branners,

    That's made me feel a while lot better. Thank you so much for replying. I'm sorry you went through the coughing stage so soon after the op, it really is so painful, but I'm glad the stitches weren't affected and happy to hear the scar is doing well and has faded. I love your attitude about what the scar means to you and I really hope to feel the same way. I spoke to a nurse yesterday and she said the same about the pillow and also assured me that the stitches would hold. I think I'll need a bit of a drain as fluid is collecting, but that can wait until Monday.

    • Many thanks for your response, again, and I wish you all the best for your health and future check ups,
