Just got the diagnosis …

  • 6 replies
  • 497 subscribers

Hi, yesterday I was diagnosed with breast cancer- exactly three months after losing my husband to liver cancer. His cancer was found late and we had two and a half years living with a terminal diagnosis and participating in trials. Mine on the other hand, has been found early with a more positive prognosis.

I attended my appointment alone - I know two sets of ears are better than one - thinking I would cope. I’m lucky it’s been caught early after a routine mammogram. I’m to have surgery in January where they’ll remove the cancer and check the lymph nodes (which look clear on the ultrasound). Then it’s a course of radiotherapy and medication.

All this is a positive prognosis I know, but now I’m feeling overwhelmed, fed up with putting a brave face on things. It’s also come at the worst time of year, I was already facing Christmas without my husband and now this!

I know this sounds a very self pitying introduction but it’s the only place I feel I can be honest about things.

  • Hi MrsJP, please don’t worry about being self pitying, no one here would think that, and sending my very best wishes.

  • Hi MrsJP,

    So sorry to hear of your recent loss and now your diagnosis.

    That's a lot yo deal with. I don't think it's self pity. I think your entitled to feel as you are at the minute. Dealing with either of these events is difficult, never mind both.

    Please be kind to yourself. Make use of this forum to chat. The macmillan nurses and cancer care are very supportive also.

    Do you have a Maggie centre near you, if so pop in for a cuppa and support there also. 

    I wish you well in your recovery. Please keep us updated as you progress and if you need to chat or ask questions then this is the forum to do soalso xxx

  • Hi Mrs JP, so sorry to hear of your recent loss and of your diagnosis.  It doesn't seem self pitying at all and is truly a lot to cope with.  I had to go through my appointments on my own as I was diagnosed during covid and it really is difficult, I have to admit I put my phone on record as I was worried about missing something.  You are right, your prognosis is very positive but that doesn't mean that it's easy to cope with.  I am sure you will find lots of support in this group, we all try and put on a brave face to the outside world but it can be exhausting and as you say over whelming.  My cancer had spread to one of my lymph nodes but apart from that I had similar treatment to you are facing, I had grade 3 cancer and I had a lumpectomy, a full lymph node removal as mine had spread, radiotherapy and now tamoxifen.  Just try to deal with each step at a time.  We are all hear to support each other xx

  • Thank you Cazh24 for your comments and advice. It feels so good to know someone really understands.

  • Thank you Missymolly for your supportive advice.

  • Hi MrsJP  I don't think you are self pitying at all. You must be emotionally exhausted after everything  you have been through with your husband over the last few years and then to get a diagnosis especially at this time of year must be so hard to deal with. Like you my breast cancer was picked up at screening and I had a lumpectomy on 4th December.  Everyone says I'm lucky it was picked up so early, some days I'm very positive other days I'm  completely overwhelmed.  Please be kind to yourself  just take it one day at a time. I have found this forum extremely helpfulx