Recent lobular and ductal diagnosis

  • 4 replies
  • 494 subscribers

Hi all. I just joined this group, as finding it

hard to get my head around it all and am very overwhelmed.

I'm due to get the results of a ct scan thisweek so next steps not 100% known, but in the space of a month, I have gone from finding a lump in one breast, to finding out I have a large invasive lobular lump in my right breast and, after initially finding one ductal lump in the left, discovering there were actually 3 ductal lumps in the other after an mri.

It's been confirmed it's definitely a mastectomy on the lobular (it's size has triggered the CT scan), but I opted for a further biopsy on the new ductal lumps so I had all the information before making my final decision on a double mastectomy, as found it overwhelming to make that call immediately. 

I also found out last week that, due to the lump
size, I will still need radiotherapy so will
have to have a delayed reconstruction, rather than at the same time as the mastectomy.
This has tipped me over the edge (l'm well
endowed, so really struggling with the
thought of such a dramatic change of
shape), and have really hit a wall.

Has anyone else been in a similar position,
as would really appreciate some words of
wisdom and perspective x

  • Hiya sorry you are on this journey. I’ve got similar to you I think mine is called invasive lobular ductal carcinoma. I’m abit further than you think as I’ve got mastectomy book for this Thursday. I’m not having recon as I also need radio and the area is large so decided to stay flat. Not sure if it’s the right decision but I just want it gone. I found out in October about mine. Had a few lumps show in the left but they are nothing to worry about so they are only taking the one off for now. The gene test hasn’t come back yet so if that comes back positive they will take the left at a later date. It’s a lot to take in isn’t it I’ve hated the last 9 weeks but I’m getting my head around it all now I think. Are they doing a double on you? Or single? Feel free to ask any questions sending you a hug stay strong xx

  • Thank you and good luck and lots of hugs for Thursday xx

    I hope I'll know more and get a surgery date on Thursday when I get my biopsy and ct scan results and chat to the surgeon. It's taken me a few days to come to this decision, but even if the extra lumps aren't cancerous, I've decided it'll be a double mastectomy, rather than a single and a lumpectomy, as don't think I'd ever relax knowing there were other lumps in there and I left them.

    I'm not quite there on staying flat. I'm struggling as much about losing my breasts - I am well endowed and can't come to terms yet about my shape changing so dramatically - as I am about the cancer (which I know my friends & family are finding hard to comprehend), so am still fixed on the delayed reconstruction at the moment. But I may feel differently after op x

  • Hi mastectomy went well yesterday and home and recovering already. Had drain removed this morning before I left the hosp. I’m just hoping not to get infection or swelling now as that sounds awful. The area looks really flat so far and hasn’t shocked me by looking at it yet that may change when the cover comes off I don’t know but hoping it won’t freak me out. I hope you are ok it’s a hard decision to make. Sending hugs x

  • So great to hear from you...I was thinking about you Thursday. Glad to hear it went well and you are home without the drain. 

    My good news Thursday was that the ct scan didn't show any further cancer...I hadn't realised until after they told me how much that had been bothering me and nearly hugged the consultant. But the extra biopsy did confirm more cancer in the breast, so it's definitely a double mastectomy. I'm booked in for 8th Jan - Mum guilt for that, as its my sons 21st and the week if my daughter mock exams. But all agreed no-one wants me to wait for another date

    I'll keep in touch. All the best for your recovery and when your bandages are removed. Sending hugs! xx