Breast cancer diagnosis

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  • 494 subscribers

Hello all I was diagnosed with breast cancer in August and had a lumpectomy on 23 August with a 6 week wait for the results.  I was all clear. But I am going to radiotherapy and having Zoledronic acid to protect my bones.  I also had to go to the dentist to make sure all a ok before treatment.  It turns out I have to have a tooth out.  I coped with all that I thought ok but on Sunday it suddenly overwhelmed me.  I did not want to get up or do anything all day.  I actually went out today but was falling a sleep in my chair still feeling rough.  Anybody else feel this way??

  • Hi Pottyjanet

    From being diagnosed to treatment plan uour body is exhausted with anxiety. All the stress takes its toll. Then the treatments can exhaust you also.

    It's a long hard journey. Just take time to yourself. Listen to your body and rest when needed.

    I have had my op, chemo and finished radiotherapy today. I'm on Letrozole and to have the bone infusions also.

    The dentist removed a tooth from me also last week. Our bodies have been through the mill to fight thus. Then we need to give ourselves time to recover from it. So yes it creeps up on us some days. Just be kind to yourself. Wishing you well with your recovery xx

  • I had a moment a few weeks ago when I was being inundated with appointments and felt under pressure for my mastectomy wounds to heal in time for chemo. I ended up telling them to just delay the chemo, which they did.

    I also had a nurse appointment I cancelled last week as I couldn't face it. It was rescheduled for a few days later, but yes, sometimes it is all too much.

    6 weeks seems an unreasonably long time to wait for results. That would drive anyone nuts.

    Remember to be kind to yourself at this difficult time and allow yourself to feel all these mixed emotions. I'm bad at that and my husband keeps reminding me! D x

  • Thank you for your kind reply

  • I can totally relate. I went through chemo, and surgery and coped relatively well but a week before starting radiotherapy I just crashed and could not stop crying. I think it is the build up of all the anxiety and the exhaustion. I have now finished radio and starting to feel much better emotionally. There are days I still need long naps or hours sitting in the sofa doing nothing (which I never did before the diagnosis!),  but trying to be kind and patient to myself. You will feel better soon, little by little. Sending hugs.  

  • I’m sorry you’re going through an “unexpected” low patch. I was warned that I might suddenly lose the positivity I’d felt earlier in my treatment…and I did. 

    It's quite normal but “this too shall pass”. When you think about it, everything happens so fast at first, lots of appointments, surgery, follow up treatment etc then there’s often a period where things slow down. Cue more time to dwell on what’s happening. 

    It’s ok to feel low - it’s normal, but if it goes on for longer than a few days and prevents you from going to appointments then do speak to your BCN and/or GP. There’s help available  

    Meanwhile, stay in bed for a day, eat chocolate, talk to friends, read a book, moan a lot, listen to Music, plan a treat, do whatever motivates you or even just gets you through until the next day 
