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Hi, I've just been diagnosed with high grade DCIS, but I'm struggling with how to feel about it. I'm feeling stressed about the surgery and possible radiotherapy. I have been told to stop my hrt, so I'm worried about that aswell. I'm struggling to focus at work at the moment.

However, the consultant likes to say it's not cancer because of the fact it's not an invasive cancer at this stage. This 'not cancer' line and response they give makes it feel as though it should be a walk in the park and that I have no right to feel the way I do. Has anyone else experienced this?

  • Hi, I know exactly how you feel as I too have just been diagnosed with high grade DCIS. Just had 2nd set of biopsies to see how large the problem before the different surgeries are discussed. 

    You are just getting your head around the fact you have cancer & need treatment  / surgery & some bright spark says its OK at least its not cancer. Not helpful as you then feel a fraud for feeling so worried. It may be a non-invasive cancer, but it is still cancer & we have every right to feel worried. 

    In the grand scheme of things, if you are going to get cancer then this is the least traumatic version. Not a walk in the park & still scary & you need to find supportive people who neither play it down nor the woe is me kind. 

    Hoping everything goes smoothly for you xx

  • Hi Allsmiles & Holie 

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis , if you were like me , it was quite a shock . 
    so I was diagnosed with high grade DCIS back in May . 
    I am now post op and awaiting radiotherapy to start . 
    The way you feel is completely normal and you will go through a lot of emotions and these are valid. 
    You will feel scared of the unknown , and waiting for results can be the hardest part . 
    I have gone through this and I’m coming out the other end , 

    You have got this . If you ever have any questions just let me know . 

    I found the hardest part was after all my biopsies and then waiting for my op , I found myself not able yo focus and took a couple of weeks off work ,  Then  had my op on the 24th August , I’m still off work now just because mentally it’s a lot to get your head round and you need that time . I went  for my appointment with my consultant on Monday and he gave me the “all clear , managed to get it all out. 
    which I'm thankful for .

    just waiting for my radiotherapy to start .

    It’s a journey you have to take , there is no getting around that .
    do be strong and take gradual steps to get to where you need to be x  

    It’s not a quick fix but I promise you will get there . 
    I’m glad I took some time off work , mentally I needed this . 

    Keep  in touch , I’m always here if you need me . 

  • Thanks for your kind words. It's comforting to know that the way I'm feeling is normal. I'm glad you've been given the all clear. I hope all goes well with your radiotherapy and that you're feeling better soon.

  • I think the 'not cancer' thing is designed to stop people from worrying as much, but it doesn't really have the desired effect. I hope all goes well for you too xx