Newly diagnosed

  • 2 replies
  • 493 subscribers
  1. Hi, I've recently been diagnosed with Grade 3 breast cancer and am due to start chemo in 3 weeks followed by a lumpectomy.    I have been reading up on cold caps and wondered if anyone had any personal advice on whether to or not to use due to there being no guarantee of stopping hair loss and them being quite painful to endure and the side effects and extra time to treatment sessions they cause.    Any help or advice would be appreciated.   Thanks 
  • I watched Amy strictly come dancing star bbc1 and her cancer journey.In the end she found it to painful to continue with the ice cap.Think she has a blog on tik tok or instagram .Wishing you all the best x

  • I decided to opt for the cold cap and used it during my first 2 cycles of AC. Right after my second cycle I lost about 60% of my hair and opted out of it. For me, it was a terrible experience - made me extremely uncomfortable plus it didn't work for me. My hair however grew very quickly after I finished my treatment and it took about 2 - 3 months for my hair to look normal. You know that it's different for everybody so this is just my personal experience. The very best of luck with your treatment!

    Lana xx