Side effects

  • 2 replies
  • 481 subscribers

Hi, I was diagnosed in June. I have stage 4 breast cancer with secondary bone.

I am taking Letrozole & Palbociclib & have most of the usual side effects but mostly mild, however watery eyes are a real issue. Was suggested antihistamine but not very successful. Any suggestions.

Hi to all of you, by the way I,m a bloke!

  • Hi Tasna,

    I’m sorry to learn of your condition, but welcome you with open arms to the forum. 

    I had a lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed four months ago and recently finished my radiotherapy I am also on Letrozole for five years and have also had watery eyes, but didn’t think the two were connected as mine seems to come and go, however, maybe they are. I’m not sure what can be done for this, but I would suggest contacting your breast cancer nurse, who might have a suggestion.

    If you want to have a natter or just feel like letting off steam, please feel free to come here at anytime, you get loads of help and support and hey, we’re not a bad shower.

    Love and huge

  • Hi, I can't help with the watery eyes, but I did just want to mention there's a chat on here called Blokes with breast cancer that you might be interested in. Best wishes 

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