Hello and small veins!

  • 2 replies
  • 497 subscribers

Diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in June - result of routine scan - I can’t feel anything. Due to have 2nd cycle chemo this afternoon. Currently obsessed that it will be postponed because of blood tests - the idea of slippage is very scary. 

I seem to have small veins so get big bruises even with a blood test (and with the IV catheter.) Nurse said I wasn’t drinking enough. Have been drinking loads but not sure the veins look bigger. Any tips, pl?

  • Hi bedt advice is drink plenty of fluids before hand and make sure you are warm.

    My veins aren't very good I have a picc line in place so far so good.it was a nuisance at first but I'm used to it now and saves needles each visit. Xx

  • H, lots of fluids, including the evening before if's in the morning.  Some exercise and keep warm. For me this means woolly socks, gloves, hot water bottle, heat pad.  Chemo res damaged the veins in my hand so my infusions are now a nightmare.  Best wishes 

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