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Im 33 and 2 weeks ago lumpectomy with 2 lymph nodes removed.. g2 invasive ductal carcinoma.. e/r positive her2 negative..
no family history.

Had a call today to say margins weren’t clear and neither were the lymph nodes and tumor was bigger than first originally thought..

Now looking at more test scan and a mascetomy

Any advice or people who have been through the same…

what there treatment included 

Thank you 

  • Hi Annaspanna91,

    I had a lumpectomy nearly four months ago and lymph nodes removed, like youI had no family history. I finished my radiotherapy a few weeks ago and was recently told I am clear. It is a shock when you are informed about all this, but it is important you take a bit of time to let it register and sink in. I was lucky enough not to need a mastectomy, but I’m sure there will be someone who has and will respond to that and give you better advice.

    You have made the first big step by finding the Macmillan site, also do visit your nearest Macmillan centre, a list is on here, or ring them on 0808 808 0000, they are superbly helpful and give you lots of great info, do walks, talks, help with benefits, bills, coffee and chat, open 10-4 Mon-Fri and lots more. Please also get a good support structure in place, family, friends, good work colleagues, I’ve lived on my own for nigh on forty years, but realised you can’t do this on your own. I also go for a short walk every day (British weather permitting) and do a daily diary, this is mega helpful, as it gets everything off your chest and out of your system. It is important during the day to keep yourself occupied, hobbies, interests etc., it stops you from dwelling on what is going on. You may also find it beneficial to listen to a meditation podcast, they really help you to relax especially when you are trying to get to sleep. I use one called ‘Go Gently’ by Christine Elizabeth Smith, it does a lot for me. Whatever you do, do not visit Dr Google as there is so much conflicting information, your head will spin and it will stress you out, listen to your medical team and you get great support on here.

    I know it’s hard sometimes, but try and keep as positive as you possibly can, have positive people around you and dump the negativity, above all, be kind to yourself - I promise you, you will get through this. You are never alone and can always come and chat to us shower in here.

    Take care and big

  • Hi, sorry you find yourself in the club nobody wants to be in but glad you have joined this forum.  Like you my margins weren’t clear and I had to have a second surgery.  I was devastated but apparently it is quite common.  I Was offered a mastectomy or lumpectomy.  I asked if the risk of cancer returning was higher if I had a lumpectomy and he said not. The only risk was I may need a third surgery.  I opted for a second lumpectomy and was fortunate margins were clear.   I was told a further lumpectomy depended on the size of your breast and size of tumour.   I had two weeks of radiotherapy and on Anastrozolle for five years.  I hope this helps to reassure you.  X