Saying hello and looking for similar experiences

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  1. I’m new to the forum and looking for some support through this rollercoaster! I got diagnosed with Early breast cancer (ER positive HER2 negative) in February. Lumpectomy and 2 nodes removed. Both nodes had cancer in and margins not clear so second op was required plus full node clearance. Cleared the margins on second op but 1 more node found with cancer and unfortunately at level 3. Early diagnosis changed to stage 3 grade 2 and chemotherapy required followed by radiotherapy and 10 years of hormone treatment. First EC done , minor self effects apart from a rash covering all my back, chest & top of arms but the main problems has been my bloods. All bloods dropped dangerously low so more injections required plus in and out of hospital. My oncologist decided to reduce the dosage but I couldn’t do my second cycle due to my bloods dropping again. Currently waiting to see whether I can carry on. Feeling very fed up and scared about not having more chemo (due to my stage) but also scared to have more chemo due to my bloods! Had anyone had any experiences like this?? Thanks in advance 
  • Hi Seaturtle,

    I have same diagnosis. Currently on chemo tolerating it okay but the injections are horrendous. I had an awful day yesterday where I thought my time had come with severe gastritis. I haven't injected yet today so scared. Waiting for call back to see next steps.

    The treatment can be harsh and hopefully the staff can counteract our negative symptoms with treatments to help us get through this. Good luck with your treatment plan xx

  • Hi Missymolly, 

    thanks for replying it’s comforting to know others are in the same boat. Sorry to hear you’re suffering with the injections, that sounds horrible. Makes me realise I’ve actually had it easy compared to what some people go through. I hope you get sorted today. Im having my bloods done again tomorrow so fingers crossed and hopefully now the dosage has been reduced, my next cycle won’t be as eventful! Wishing you all the luck with your treatment xx

  • You also, we will look back on this some day and say we smashed it xx

  • We definitely will! xx