
  • 21 replies
  • 482 subscribers

Hi all

Has anyone else had an almost permanent headache while taking Letrozole? Did it eventually wear off?

If you had hair loss, how extreme was it? Did your scalp feel as though it was itchy and burning? Did you find a solution? 

And, as for the immediate after effects of the Zometa infusion…!!!

  • Hi SusiQ

    I have been taking Letrozole and only the accord  brand suited me. I didnt get headaches it a lot of joint and muscle pain and some brands left me crippled. I would ask the PG to change your brand and if that suits you to make sure each time you get the same one.

    If this dorsnt work go back to your mcmillan/ oncologist and ask him to put you on a different drug. Everyone has different side effects. Also Letrozole is a family of similar drugs so there is aleays an alternative.

    hope this helps fongrrs crossed x

  • Cupcake

    Thanks. I was the original poster (asking about headaches and hair loss) but this thread has been rather overtaken by Susi’s question about constipation (which I hope can be sorted quickly). I may start another thread to get replies back on track  

    I’m going to give it a couple of weeks to see if the headaches calm down. Fingers crossed! 

  • I had terrible constipation and my oncology doc recommended Senna. It’s worked for me. Please call your allocated nurse if you have any issues. Falling that this is a great source of information. I ve been on letrozole since last December and it’s doing a great job according to my scans. Sending hugs. Two heartsTwo hearts

  • Had no headache but have had a little hair thinning. Plus bizarely it has gone a lot more curly! It’s not that bad that others notice but I can tell when styling it and I look like a scary monster when I wake up! 

  • Hi See.     I was on letrazol for a little over 18 months of a planed 10 year treatment when l developed a very profound depression. I’m post menopausal and until this happened was having no side effects at all. I think l let it go on a bit too long before l asked my BCN  for help. Three days after l did had a face to face appointment with the oncologist who had no hesitation of changing me to exemestane and said there were other things we could try if l had problems again at any time so please do contact your BCN to let her know about your headaches which by the sounds of it are pretty uncomfortable and worrisome for you.  Hope this gets sorted out soon. Take care, Dizzy Di. 

  • Hi See

    I have had zometa infustion 4 times every 6 months May sure you drink lots before the infusion it helps .. 7 days with flu like symptoms then it just goes away 

     2 more to go  for me xx

  • The Zometa side effects were severe and sudden but stopped as suddenly as they’d started. Shivering to such a degree it felt like I was fitting. Terrible headache and joint ache. 
    now I have the letrozole headache. Makes a change from my migraines!!!

  • What brand are you taking? Maybe try a different one.  Femara made me really dizzy rather than headaches,  but Accord didn't.  Everyone has different best option brands,  though they all have side effects!

    “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.  Stephen Hawking,
  • I’m about to start my sixth month of Letrozole and have been given four different brands.  It’s been a nightmare each one giving different side effects.  All of them so far have given me severe fatigue and the second brand gave me severe constant headaches as well.  My pharmacy keep telling me they have the only brand that is available and that they are all the same.  He wants to try being on them he’d soon find the differences in brands.  The brand I’ve been on for the past two months has been the easiest but another brand from Sunday - we shall see.  Hope you get on ok.

  • The letrozole I’m taking is made by Crescent Pharma. When I get my repeat prescription I’ll ask the pharmacist what brands he has access to/recommends.