What's coming......?

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Hi. I'm new to the forum and was recently diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer following a routine mammogram which led to 2 biopsies and a lumpectomy for suspected DCIS. It all came as a hell of a shock to be honest. I'm 57, non smoker, non drinker maybe a bit of a sugar addict and could do to shift half a stone but think I'm fairly healthy. I've since had a lymph node biopsy where 4 nodes were removed and thankfully all clear. But having been discharged from the breast care team I'm now waiting for an appointment with oncology to discuss further treatment which might be radiotherapy and hormone therapy. I've had some grim reports about how this might make me feel and being self employed with a very busy rest of the year ahead I'm worried how it's all going to affect me, when its likely to start etc. Does anyone have any experience of this so I might understand what's coming a bit better? 

  • Hi Elemen,

    Welcome to the forum.

    I've not had my radiotherapy yet. I've had my lumpectomy and nodes removed.

    My treatment plan would have been radiotherapy then hormone suppressants. However mine is grade 3 and would benefit more from chemo.

    I'm starting some chemo tomorrow prior to the radiotherapy therapy.

    I've read lots of interesting personal experiences of individuals going through treatments.

    It sounds very personal to yourself everyone is different. Some ladies experience more side effects than others while others are able to continue working.i just wanted to welcome you to the forum and hopefully someone will share their experiences with you soon.

    This forum is very informative and supportive.

    I wish you well on your recovery journey xx

  • Thanks Missymolly and I totally get it that it's a very individual journey. Feeling a bit anxious about what's to come but it's great to have this group for some shared experience. Wishing you all the very best for your treatment. You sound very calm and positive so I'm sure you will sail through it. Hoping i can get to that mindset soon. BlushXx

  • Hi Elemen,

    Thank you I have my moments. I'm not sure I have any tears left.

    However I am trying to remain positive. The worst bit for me was all the waiting for results and treatment plans. However once my consultant explained everything I felt calmer and with a plan . It's something to work towards. One step at a time.

    This forum helps you to remain positive and hopeful when you hear of everyones recoveries. Treatments have progressed greatly and they have assured me for every side effect experienced they have a remedy to help.  Xx

  • Hi Elemen,

    I had a lumpectomy nearly four months ago and lymph nodes removed, I’m having radiotherapy next week. It is a shock when you are told and it is important you take a bit of time to let it register and sink in.

    You have made the first big step by finding the Macmillan site, also do visit your nearest Macmillan centre, a list is on here, or ring them on 0808 808 0000, they are superbly helpful and give you lots of great info, do walks, talks and lots more. Please also get a good support structure in place, family, friends, good work colleagues, I’ve lived on my own for nigh on forty years, but realised you can’t do this on your own. I also go for a short walk every day (British weather permitting) and do a daily diary, this is mega helpful, as it gets everything off your chest and out of your system. It is important during the day to keep yourself occupied, hobbies, interests etc., it stops you from dwelling on what is going on. You may also find it beneficial to listen to a meditation podcast, they really help you to relax especially when you are trying to get to sleep. I use one called ‘Go Gently’ by Christine Elizabeth Smith, it does a lot for me. Whatever you do, do not visit Dr Google as there is so much conflicting information, your head will spin and it will stress you out, listen to your medical team and you get great support on here.

    I’m not sure what medication your Doctors will prescribe, but let’s hope it does not interfere too much with your work, but it is important you put yourself first and take one day at a time - you are the number one priority now.

    I know it’s hard sometimes, but try and keep as positive as you possibly can, have positive people around you and dump the negativity, above all, be kind to yourself - I promise you, you will get through this. You are never alone and can always come and chat to us shower in here.

    Take care and big hugs.xxx


  • Hi Boobybabe2,

    So sorry I didn't visit the site for a while and read your very kind answer. How are you getting on after your radiotherapy?

    I've been put on anastrozole and after only 2 weeks now ache, can't sleep properly, having hot flashes and generally feel quite tired and low. My radiotherapy starts next week. 

    My family are 300 plus miles away and I don't have any really close friends nearby. My husband is kind but we are so busy with our business that I feel like I'm trying to hold it all together and don't want to burden him. 

    I guess the positives are that I haven't the time to dwell on what's happening too much. Being self employed I can structure my days to get out and do some exercise which does make me feel better. I've been swimming and I walk a lot. We play tennis too and that helps. A colleague who is passionate about therapy has offered some time and I will take him up on that. 

    I will get in touch with Macmillan too. I don't feel very comfortable about the idea but I have so many questions. 

    Do let me know how you getting on.

    Take good care. Xx

  • Hi Missymolly,

    Just wondering how you're getting on? Xx

  • Hi Elemen,

    Its great to hear from you and no apologies necessary. I had five days radiotherapy and it went great, the staff and the care were exceptional, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. A few weeks ago, I was told I was clear and was ecstatic.

    The symptoms you describe are not uncommon with cancer medication, I’m on Letrozole and had similar. The aching I wasn’t too bad with, as I’ve always taken vitamin D3 which helps the bones and my Oncologist said  that was fine. Unfortunately, not much you can do about the hot flushes, just have a decent fan to hand. You can get tired and this can also kick in a few weeks after radiotherapy, but is manageable and you have to take one day at a time and don’t overdo it. 

    I notice you said you’ve been swimming, which is great and something I wanted to do myself (not a really good swimmer though I wish Grin) but I was informed by my oncologist not to swim before my radiotherapy and up to 4-6 weeks later, as the chlorine will be on my breast and that will be a sensitive area. I started preparing the area a few weeks before with Baby Aveeno, but you can us E45 cream as well.

    I know you don’t want to burden your husband, but don’t keep things bottled up, that just make things worse for you. I’m sure if you needed a shoulder, you’re husband wouldn’t mind. Do ring Macmillan, they are amazing and you can go to your nearest centre 10-4 Mon-Fri for coffee and chat. It’s all confidential and comfortable and you can talk one to one if you wish. Also these people have usually been through cancer themselves and are very experienced.

    I wish you loads of luck with your radiotherapy and do let me know how you get on.

    Love and hugs.xxx


  • Hi Elemen,

    I am doing okay this week. I've had 2 cycles now. The first one wasn't to bad had some heart burn and bone pain.

    The 2nd one I wasn't very well last week. Don't think it's the chemo. I think the side effects are coming from the injections you do from day 3 to day 10 to stimulate your white blood cells to help you fight infections. I had severe gastric upset.

    Apparently there is a one off injection you have 24hours after your chemotherapy but it's expensive so I'm waiting to see if I can have that.

    There is one week out ghe 3 where you don't really feel yourself then you pick up again. 

    On a positive note that's 2 done 2 to go so half way through.
