Confused about grades/stages

  • 8 replies
  • 501 subscribers

Hi everyone. 

I could be completely be overthinking here, but I'm confused by some conversation threads where some people appear to know the grade of their cancer prior to surgery. I was diagnosed on 18th April and was told I have invasive breast cancer (no specific type) with DCIS and I specifically asked the question about stage/grade and was told it will be confirmed later after surgery. Due to further investigations being carried out following the results of my MRI, I didnt have my lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy until 11th June and am anxiously/patiently waiting for my follow up and hopefully more information. I know I will definitely have to have radiotherapy and hormone therapy but anything else is still not clear. I get that everyone is different but am I missing something, or are things done differently across different hospital trusts? 

Thanks in advance

  • Hi

    I didn't know the grade before surgery. I knew from biopsy results the type. The rest of information came after surgery and I had to ask about grade and not clear on stage.

    I was to have radiotherapy however as my grade was 3 confirmed by surgery I now need chemo first. Which I have appointment this morning to discuss 

    Hopefully you get reassurance soon. Read the macmillan info if you've not already done so. This might be helpful. I did the online chat and the nurse Helen was excellent and patient with all my questions.

    Good luck x

  • Hi I didn’t know until after surgery. I was just told it was a slow growing cancer that was widespread and I’d need a mastectomy, radiotherapy and hormone therapy. So you are not on your own regarding the information you’ve been given. I actually just got a letter last week with all the details and I had my surgery in January. I hope your next steps go smoothly. 
    Best wishes 


  • Thanks for the reassurance. I've been following your posts on threads as your surgery was about a week before mine. I'm sorry you've got to.go through chemo first, hope your appointment goes well this morning xx

  • Thank you for the reassurance, I guess I'll just keep on being as patient as I can. It's been a long 9 weeks....

    I hope you are doing well now? 

  • Thank you. Fingers crossed Fingers crossed it's just preventative chemo.

    Good luck with all your results and treatments xx

  • I am getting there. I am planning on going back to work in a few weeks. Patience seems to be key throughout this whole process. 

  • I was told on the 24th May after having, mamo, ultra sound and biopsy that I had BC. The consultant said the likely treatment would be lumpectomy, radiotherapy and 5 or 10 years of medication. I was given paperwork with the list of tests done and their findings.

    I received my biopsy results by a phone call on 4th of June and I was told it was small 9mm IDC, ER+ PR+ HER2- grade 2, stage 1 and confirmed it would be treatment mentioned before.

    A few days later I rang and asked could I have a copy of the pathology report, they mailed it to me.

    My op is this coming Monday, 24th June.

    Grade and stage could change after surgery 

  • Hi once you’ve had your op , you can ask for a copy of the pathology report , from that you can confirm grade ( how fast cells grow ) and you can work out the stage ( it tells you if any lymphs were involved ) , so if it’s just 1 lump in breast , no lymphs , 2cm or inder, it’s 1A. I think cancer research have info about this .

    Good luck