Hello anyone out there struggling??? I am Had surgery and treatment but now I feel lost and scared as appointments have stopped.

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I have now finished treatment and back at work but I feel worse than ever. 1st anniversary of diagnosis has passed and. Felt sick. 
willl it come back?

Will it get me?

can I live now?

can my family live now?

feel left out in the cold 

  • I'm so sorry for this... I'm feeling that way now and my mastectomy is tomorrow! I opted to not do chemo at all (which is the right decision for me) but I imagine from now on, we'll all have this same sense of dread & worry somewhere in the back of our minds. It's the nature of the beast, I think. Once we get that diagnosis, we're confronted with our mortality. And no matter if we have family or not, we still feel alone.

    But stay strong and keep moving forward, thankful for each new day. This place where we can honestly say how we feel can be a god-send. Especially when the community champions step in and give us those positive vibes.

    Here... you're not alone anymore. 

  • Good luck for tomorrow. Wishing you a speedy recovery xx

  • Big day tomorrow, CJ W - sending you lots of positive vibes xx

  • Hi, I feel you. I had a lumpectomy and finished radiation 4 weeks ago. I still don’t have my energy level back. I am afraid the cancer might come back. Especially since I also had uterine cancer at same time and had a hysterectomy. I was told my cancer type is rare and not aggressive, but everyday I wonder if it will come back or if I am doing anything to increase the risk. I think it’s normal to feel this way and have these thoughts. It’s hard for me to ‘flip a switch’ and feel secure about the future. I know I need to keep moving forward, but I’m sad. Thanks for your post as it got me thinking. I hope you feel better soon. Hugs