Positive thinking

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  • 487 subscribers

Hi everyone, I just joined today Wave 

I found out I have breast cancer and I’m going for my lumpectomy next week then radiotherapy and hormone therapy. I’m really trying to stay positive and keep thinking that things could be so much worse, I’ve been reading some posts on here and think you are all so strong Heart️ 

  • Hi Hugs40

    Welcome to the forum and  I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your lumpectomy next week.

    Best wishes


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  • Welcome , sorry to hear your news . Staying positive really helps on this journey some days it’s hard but you are not alone . Wishing you all the best !.

  • Hi Hugs , sorry you are here . That’s the treatment plan that I had .
    The hardest bit is the waiting for the next stage and pathology post op .

    The lumpectomy wasn’t as bad as I expected and the recovery was only a few weeks .
    Do the exercises they give you , I found after I’d had a paracetamol best .

    I found a v pillow for sleep really helpful . And a small cushion for the car on the way home . I bought a heart shaped one but I only used it once .

    Take care and check in with an update xx 

  • Dear Hugs 40

    Wishing you lots of luck with your upcoming surgery, take one day at a time, also any help offered. When your feeling up to it do let us know how your getting along.

    with the biggest hugs PrayRainbowPrayRainbow

  • I've experienced the same diagnosis and start hormone therapy at the end of the month. It's not an easy road but STAY STRONG as we have no other choice but to just live your life one day at a time. Muscle tone4Two women holding hands

  • Dear Hugs40 

    So sorry you have joined the club no one wants to join. There are all sorts of ways to describe it, but most of them are probably not printable here  Wink

    Well done, for coming on this forum. You will find lots of people who "get it," even if we haven't been in exactly the same place as you. 

    Is there a Maggie's Centre near you ?  I found them really helpful. Every time you enter these bright, colourful places, you're greeted by someone offering you a cup of tea and more free biscuits than are good for you ! 

    You can also talk to a counsellor, if you want to, and cry as much as you want to. One of the best things my counsellor said to me was the words "Be Positive" are banned in Maggie's Centres - because we all need a space to cry, get angry, scream, when it gets to us. That can make it easier to deal with friends and family, who don't always "get it." I think it's impossible to understand what it's like, if you haven't been through cancer yourself. 

    I also found the Macmillan support line very helpful. Sometimes I wanted emotional support, sometimes I asked them to explain some of the cancer jargon and the treatment processes. It's really hard, if not impossible, to get your head round it all, especially in the early days, when you're still in shock. 

    When I was diagnosed, I ate way too much chocolate and had lots of bubble baths. Please treat yourself to whatever helps you to feel better. Take care. You will get through this xxx 

  • I was lucky enough to have a Maggies . Very calm , safe place . And Marks and Spencer biscuits ! X

  • IM 3 weeks post lumpectomy and have to go back in as they found cancer cells in the margins.. im so frightened and overwhelmed if im honest but trying so hard to stay positive 

  • I had my op yesterday and will get results on the 20th I'm trying to remain positive. Feel slightly better they have removed the lump from my breast. I will use supports and try to remain positive. But it is only one step at a time. We can fight this ladies xx