No chemo?

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  • 471 subscribers

Has anyone gone through a mastectomy and then not had chemo? I was told this was a possibility at my last appointment. I have to say I’ve only had 3 hospital appointments for breast cancer and each time they have told me something different, I don’t find this very reassuring. TIA Karri

  • Hi Karri

    I had right side mastectomy last August. 
    It was DCIS and so contained in the breast,and because it was caught early enough there was no spread so surgery was all that was needed, no treatment. So lucky to not have to go through gruelling chemo or radiotherapy, so depending on your cancer and spread etc you don’t have to have treatment.  I know it’s all very confusing but you just have to trust that your team will do what is right for you.  Wishing you all the best x

  • Hi Karri, I had a mastectomy/immediate reconstruction last June, but no chemo or radiotherapy as my SLNB was clear and my margins were clear. On Anastrozole for 5 years and also Alendronic Acid tablets every week following a DEXA scan which showed I have mild osteopenia. I have Lobular breast cancer, which doesn't always respond well to chemotherapy, so it was a relief not to have to undergo that treatment. The oncologists tailor your treatment plan to the test results. I hope you will soon have your treatment plan, and that all goes well with the surgery.

  • Hi,

    My journey is similar to the way you describe yours at the moment, I’m hoping it might be the same,thank you for the hope x

  • Hi Karri

    I had a mastectomy RHS last June, no chemo but did have radiotherapy. My diagnosis at the time was high grade DCIS (7.5 cms) with small microinvasions found post surgery largest being 3.5mm. As mentioned previously chemo isn’t always recommended. I’m triple negative but no nodes affected and clear margins so the team decided it wasn’t necessary. I hope it goes well for you. Best wishes. Xx