New here and feel a bit helpless

  • 4 replies
  • 484 subscribers

Hi. I have just joined tonight. My sister lives overseas and is having a mastectomy this week.

I am hoping to go and visit and support her. But also in the meantime I  feel a bit helpless until then. I was thinking about a care package I could send. I would love your ideas on what you think would help. I have chocolate and face masks so far. 

Thank you for any advice Sunny

  • Hi Eliew, 

    I had a lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed a month ago and am recovering from breast cancer surgery. My sister in Australia sent me a lovely care package, which included fresh wipes to take into the hospital, a cookery book for breast cancer patients, hand cream (trust me, it will come in handy), lip balm, a box of herbal teas, pretty bed socks, note book & pen, a little book of inspirational messages, a scented candle, a cute little soft toy and other things.

    One of the items she sent me which has been great was a beautiful diary. I do a daily journal which I think is mega important, because you it helps you get things off your chest and out of your system - she will find this so helpful.

    I hope this has given you some ideas and send my very wishes to your sister for a speedy recovery.

    Take care, love and hugs.x

  • Thanks so much for your reply - I really appreciate it and lots of great ideas. I will get going on this today. Wishing you a speedy recovery xx

  • Hi, the things I really appreciated, especially during chemo, but also after surgery, included hand cream, cosy socks, comfy pyjamas and some books.  It's hard to support from abroad but I am sure any such gift would let her know you're thinking of her. Best wishes 

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  • Thank you so much - appreciate your reply.