Mastectomy and breast reconstruction

  • 2 replies
  • 484 subscribers

Hi there. This is my first post. Surgery booked for 23rd May Rt mastectomy and DIEP flap reconstruction. Thought I had finished making all the decisions regarding surgery until my plastics OPA yesterday. I am able to keep my own nipple but discovered when reattached will not be symmetrical with my Lt nipple. The surgeon said he can do left symmetrising on day of surgery to match them up. When surgeon explained it , seems like a fair few incisions to Lt breast. What to do? Is this just adding to more recovery and discomfort? Any thoughts or experiences with this gratefully received

  • Hi Jackei welcome to the forum. Its not easy when all these choices are put in front of us and we have to choose, which throws up lots of questions of "what ifs" for us.  I dot have any direct experience of what you are asking but Im imagining if that was me, the question I might ask is can I live with how my breasts will look if one nipple is different to the other. If the answer is Im ok with that then the choice is made. If however, you decide thats not ok for you then the other choice is the one to be made. Its so hard for you but only you can make the choice as you have to be ok with whatever you choose if that makes sense? Sorry to not have been of more help for you but I do wish you well for whatever you decide to do.  


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  • Thank you so much Gail for your reply. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment and everything you said makes sense. Ultimately I know I have to make the decision but sometimes you run out of energy for that. Anyway, what’s to lose. As the saying goes, ‘In for a penny, in for a pound’. And please don’t be sorry, your response has meant a lot to me.

    kind regards Jackie