New to this forum

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  • 456 subscribers

Hi I'm new here I have just had my diagnosis of breast cancer.

Any help or guidance would be brilliant as this is just a shock.

  • Have you had any other information or plan? It seems you are at the start of the journey, noone can say it going to be easy , I have had surgery, some results, but waiting for full results and treatment plan, can honestly agree with most that the waiting is the worse. Try to find out all you can, avoid Dr google! and find yourself as much support as possible. Good luck 

  • Hi Lisa Jayne,

    I had a lumpectomy nearly four weeks ago and two lymph nodes removed. It is a shock when you are told and it is important you take a bit of time to let it register and sink in.

    You have made the first big step by finding the Macmillan site, also do visit your nearest Macmillan centre, a list is on here, they are superbly helpful and give you lots of great info, do walks, talks and lots more. Please also get a good support structure in place, family, friends, good work colleagues, I’ve lived on my own for nigh on forty years, but realised you can’t do this on your own. I also go for a short walk every day (British weather permitting) and do a daily diary, this is mega helpful, as it gets everything off your chest and out of your system.

    I know it’s hard sometimes, but try and keep as positive as possible can, have positive people around you and dump the negativity. You are not alone and can always come and chat to us shower in here.

    I wish you every success and will keep everything crossed for you.

    Love and