Newly diagnosed

  • 2 replies
  • 485 subscribers

Hello everyone

I grateful to find this group. A small lump was visible on a routine mammogram. I went back to the hospital for a further mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy on the 4th April and was diagnosed on the 11th. 

I was in such shock that I don't think I took in everything that was said to me... its 9mm, ductal ER-8, PR-8, HER2-0.

They are saying it's treatable, possible lumpectomy on the 15th May or possible inclusion on the SMALL trial for VAE. Then radiotherapy and probably no chemotherapy.

I spent 2 days in numbness and today I'm really tearful - no work today and lots of time to think.

I'm just reaching out for help, advice and support.

Has anyone else shared this diagnosis?

Thank you to anyone who reads this and sending love to all who find themselves here.


  • Hi there 

    welcome to the group , the advice and support is really good on here . It’s so hard to take everything in they tell you , one word that stood out for me was TREATABLE. Mine was picked up at routine mammogram and I had lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy on 2nd April . I get my pathology results on April . I can’t believe how quick it’s been dealt with and the care I’ve received. Did you have a breast cancer pack when you got results ? I was given support from breast cancer nurses who I can phone if I have any questions etc . But also found this group great when asking for advice too . 
    just think you are not alone and any question is not a silly one . It’s ok to cry they say better out than in . 
    Sending love and hugs to you xx 

  • Thank you so.much and I really hope you get good news on the 24th xx I did get a pack with lots of information and the care and support at the hospital was fabulous. Its just that 'C' word, its so terrifying. 

    I'm.quite keen on the trial and have been reading the information about that today. They're calling me on Monday morming to talk further and see if I've made a decision.

    Love and hugs to you too xx